Welcome to the blog of the Gritz...Jeff, Candy, Brooke and our newest addition Austin. We have recently moved to the Panhandle of Florida with the Air Force and are ready to get settled into our new home with our beautiful kids. Let's see what new adventures we can get into!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
38 1/2 weeks checkup
Well my cervix is being stubborn/lazy. Still only dilated to 1cm, but a little more thinned out. They didn't measure me this time. I guess since the ultrasound was normal last week they decided everything was normal and skipped it. Anyways, I'll keep you guys posted on any changes.
Monday, December 22, 2008
37 1/2 week appt
We had the ultrasound today before we got to see the Doctor just to check measurements since my uterus size measured 2 weeks behind last week. Everything measured perfect with her sizes and her weight showed 7lbs 4oz based on measurements. If I make it another 2 weeks, she may gain another pound and come out around 8.5lbs. We got to see the Doctor a little bit after the ultrasound and we are dilated to 1cm (YEAH, some progress) and 50% effaced. Hopefully sometime soon we will be welcoming our new baby girl!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Baby coming out????
She seems to think the way out of my belly is through the right side of my abdomen/rib area. If she kicks it enough, maybe it will open....lol...I asked Jeff if he was ready to enroll her in soccer. I'm ready to go to the Doctor Monday and have the ultrasound and see if I have dilated yet. I have felt alot of pains today, so hopefully (fingers crossed) she is dropping and I am dilating. I woke up this morning in a cleaning (possibly nesting?) mode. I didn't get very far though. My sister called and wanted me to watch my handsome nephew Gavin while she attended some school events with the girls. Jeff and I took little man to Circuit City (he seems to like electronics already), Hobby Lobby and Lowe's. He just seems to be a happy little guy and it was fun to see Jeff interact with him. Gavin is reacquainting himself with Jeff after Jeff's 2 1/2 month deployment. We dropped him off at home with mommy and came home and Jeff grilled steaks and we had a delicious meal. He's out tonight with my Brother-in-law while I'm about to enjoy my YUMMY steak-n-shake milkshake and watch a movie.
Monday, December 15, 2008
37 week ultrasound
A fun day today at the OBGYN. I had to have my Group B Strep done today and they also checked my cervix. Anyone who's had the Group B Strep test knows what fun that is so I won't go into detail about that. My cervix is not cooperating in my opinion. It hasn't started doing anything!! Her heartbeat was great, but her size is measuring a little behind. My last visit 2 weeks ago (34 weeks per them) I measured perfect but this time she is still measuring at 34 weeks. The doctor scheduled an ultrasound for my next appt. just to check things out, but she didn't seem very concerned. I had an ultrasound a month ago and everything was normal, so I'm not too worried. (Just a little). Brooke is very active so I'm not concerned that she's acting abnormal or not moving.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Maternity Pictures
Here's the link to check them out!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Here is a picture of our new car/SUV. It's a 2009 Honda CRV. We went yesterday to the dealership and ended up leaving with it. It's perfect for our soon to be family of 3. It has alot of gadgets to get used to, but we are having fun learning and listening to our "female voice activated" person that sometimes cannot hear very well (but she tries). Pretty soon we will add the car seat (which happens to match the black leather interior) and a little girl.
Jeff is FINALLY home!!!
His plane landed at 2pm on Wed, but the weather was terrible and it would be another hour and a half before they could unload the plane due to lightning. So about 3:30pm, the lightning threat was more than 5 nautical miles away so they could get off the plane. Jeff was one of the first few people off the plane, but due to customs we couldn't go up to anyone until they were cleared (which was another hour and a half). But he was worth the wait!!!! So anyways, he is home safe and sound and hopefully will not be deploying for another 6 months!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jeff's Arrival Day!!!
I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was call the deployment hotline to see if the arrival time had changed from noon. It was still the same, so in 4 hours he would be home. About an hour later, I called it again and I knew something had changed because the recording was now a female voice and the other recording had been a male voice. The arrival time has now changed to 2pm. They are killing me!!! It's supposed to rain, starting around 2pm and we are in tornado watch until 3pm. What a great day so far!! Then to top things off, I get an email from Jeff's squadron letting everyone know about the time change (which I already knew about) and that unlike every other arrival, we can't meet them as they get off the plane. Apparently since they flew from Hungary to Iceland, they have to go through customs when they get off the plane. Normally they go to Maine or New Jersey and go through customs then. Not this time!!! The email says they will have a blocked off section where we can sit on bleachers and watch them. HOW FUN!!!! After being gone 2 1/2 months, do they think I want to WATCH him??? So, I get to plop my big self on a set of uncomfortable bleachers and watch him for who knows how long!!! Hopefully it won't take as long as my brain is thinking it will. The end result will be worth all this when I finally get to kiss him (if my belly will let me!!). Well I'm off to get ready and squeeze my belly in some maternity clothes so I can shock him when he sees how big I am. He will have no problem finding me in the crowd. LOL
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well my poor Jeff had an overnight delay in Budapest, Hungary. He was supposed to be home today, but due to the layover, he SHOULD be home now tomorrow at noon. I sure hope so!! I went to bed last night thinking it was my last night sleeping in our bed alone. Little did I know that I would be doing it again tonight. Oh well, as I told him, "at least your on your way home."
Sunday, December 7, 2008
End of Skype!!!!
Jeff and I just both signed off Skype for the last time this deployment!!!! In about 6 hours he has to have all his bags turned in to load on the plane. This time tomorrow he will be in the air headed home. I think I'm a little more nervous this time since I've gained a little over 20 lbs since he's been gone (not that I'm complaining!!). It's just that normally I lose weight when he's gone and it's not normally sticking straight out of my belly and kicking...lol...Also its putting baby/labor more in my mind now. I had 2 things to countdown to before Brooke's due date. The first was my last day at work. I gave my notice back in July and didn't think my last day would sneak up on me so soon. I still don't feel unemployed, but my last day was only a week ago. Then my next thing to countdown to was Jeff coming home. I knew he would be home 4 weeks before the due date. Now that he's almost home, there's nothing left except her due date and labor!!!! I guess I'll just keep in my mind, epidural and beautiful baby girl!!! Well, my next post will be Jeff's arrival. I sure hope he's not in the back of the plane like all the other arrivals. I might be in the bathroom when he gets off the plane. (Perks of pregnancy)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Another Baby Checkup
Everything is still going good, no problems to report. Her heart rate is in the 150's. She's definitely an active little thing. I go back in 2 weeks for my Strep B (can't wait!!!) and they will start checking for any dilation then. Luckily daddy will be home and can resume accompanying us to the Dr. and join in on all the excitement!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wedding Day Pictures

The newlyweds, Chris and Haley

Above is my entire family (minus my husband who will be home in 10 days!!!!!!)

My immediate family (don't we look good!!!) lol

The girls dancing in bubbles!!!

Gavin in the bubbles (he was so amazed!!)

Uncle Ronnie, Groom Chris, my brother Steven and Dad (all looking handsome!!)

Ashley and Kalyn (pretty girls!!!)
Groom with Uncle Steve

Chris and my Brother Steven

My little man Gavin

My Prego Self (I think I'm bigger than the tree!!)

Me and my little Brother
We had the honor of attending my Cousin Chris and his new wife Haley's beautiful wedding today. We are so happy for the both of them!!! He was so handsome in his tuxedo and she was stunning in her gorgeous dress!!! Kalyn and Shelby got to be flower girls and wear their dresses again from my wedding. They were so cute!!! I got to wear my moo moo dress I had ordered to wear to their wedding. I thought black was a slimming color!!! My sister took the picture of me next to the tree and then handed my camera back to me and said "you don't look big at all in the picture." I immediately looked at my camera and realized what a huge lie she had just told me...lol...Of course, I wouldn't change my big belly right now for anything. I'm proud of my big belly!!! When it was time for the new married couple to dance their first dance, I was stunned to hear my wedding song playing. It was the song Jeff and I first danced to at our wedding in March. Of course not having my new husband and soon to be father next to me, my emotions and hormones hit me. I'm pretty sure I was the only one crying during that song!! It is such a beautiful song which is actually "Beautiful" by Wayne Brady. My sister was across the room and looked back and me when she heard it come on. I guess she knew I would probably shed a few tears over the song. 9 1/2 days and I will have Jeff home with me!!!!
Rehearsal Dinner
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Assembly line

I came home today and decided to put Brooke's swing and bouncer together. Definately not as tricky as the stroller a few days ago. Jeff asks me why I don't wait for him to put everything together when he gets home. I can't help it, I like to put things together so I know how they work. Now I know how they all work!!! I love the swing and bouncer!! I want one of each in my size!!!! Also I got a package in the mail today from Cafe Press. Hmmmm, I don't remember ordering anything from them. I came in the door and opened the package to find out it was an outfit for Brooke from her Great Uncle Rich & "soon to be" Great Aunt Janet. I absolutely love it!!! I wish I could just pick up the phone and call Jeff and tell him about it, but it would be an expensive out of the country phone call and the fact that he's flying tonight doesn't help matters. Anyways, a picture says a thousand words, so I posted a picture of the wonderful gift.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Another baby checkup....
All is well so far with little Miss Brooke. All the usual questions...any problems? pain? pressure? etc. I have been having a little more pressure and a few pains here and there, but nothing I wouldn't already expect. The nurse and Doctor didn't seem concerned either, which makes me feel better. The nurse had me "hop" on the scale to check my weight. (Last time I was 157lbs) I "hop" on the scale and the thing reads 169lbs. WHAT?!?!?! I told her there was no way that was right, I mean I was just there a week and a half ago and I definitely have not eaten 12lbs of food. Then she laughed and said that scale always messes up. I stepped off and she reset it. The next reading was much better at 158lbs. Baby's heartbeat was great and the size of my belly is perfect. "See you in 2 weeks." These appts. sure seem like they are weekly already, but I look forward to each and every one. Hard to believe in a few weeks, I'll be leaving the hospital with her in my arms instead of inside my HUGE belly.
Christmas at the Gritz..early!!
Well, I decided to put my Christmas tree up a little early this year. It actually makes me feel better that its up. I guess its the cheery colors. Lucky for me, everything I needed to decorate, including the tree, was upstairs in the attic. Let's just say I got a good workout last night. I brought the tree down in pieces instead of having to carry the box downstairs. (I was very careful and always had my hand on the rail). After climbing in a chair to reach the top of the tree for lights and decorations and climbing the stairs about 20 times, my thighs were burning!!!! But after it was all done, I felt so much better and love looking at it. I don't think I ever want to take it down. Brooke would probably like the colors too if I left it up. I'm sure Jeff would object though.
Soccer Season Comes to an end....
We (Brooke and I) went out in the cold Saturday morning to watch Shelby and Kalyn play their last games of the season. Shelby's game was first at 10:00am. I met my sister, Gavin and Kalyn on the sidelines to watch. Luckily the day before at Walmart, I picked up those Hot Hands hand warmers because I knew it would be cold out during the games. Boy did those come in handy. The girls thought it was the coolest thing. When Shelby was rotated out of her game on break, you could watch her shaking that handwarmer like she was so proud of it. Poor Gavin had been sick earlier in the week and was broke out with a rash, so he was feeling a little under the weather. On to Kalyn's game at 11:30. Shaan (my brother-in-law) and Jeff coached this team (and did a very good job). Sad to say, Jeff got deployed almost a month into the season and wasn't able to be there until the end, but we kept him up to date with the happenings at the games. Their team the Hawks, were undefeated coming into this last game. They took the lead at the beginning of the game 3-0. Slowly the other team came back and overtook them 4-3, giving the hawks their first and only loss of the season. All the parents went to the other side of the field to greet their kids. I stayed behind to pack up and stay with Gavin who was passed out in his stroller. I looked up and here comes Kalyn, walking towards me. As soon as we made eye contact, she started crying. I knew she was upset at their loss. She was so proud to be undefeated the whole season. I gave her a hug and just about lost it myself. (Thanks hormones!!!) She was disappointed because she had been telling me if her team was undefeated the entire season, her team would get larger trophies than the other teams who had lost games. I felt so bad for her!!! I'll post a team picture when I get it from my sister (who is now very much under the weather). I'm so proud of both the girls!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Brooke's Stroller Combo
Same ole' stuff, different day. Last night I decided to put together the stroller. (LOL) I hope the baby couldn't hear the words I was thinking in my head. I don't remember saying any out loud. I got it together pretty easily but when it came time to set the matching car seat inside the stroller, that's where things got tricky. I set it in there and it did NOT lock. I was thinking to myself, this isn't right. How am I supposed to put my baby in the stroller when the whole car seat wasn't secure. I was talking to Jeff in between rages with the stroller. I hate to know what he was thinking. The stroller is made in Italy (Peg Perego) and the instructions are in Italian, German, Polish or whatever, but not English. The pictures only showed to set the car seat in the stroller and WALA!! That was not the case. I got a screw driver out of the garage and took things apart (this is how bad it got). This stroller was naked. No padding or anything and I still didn't understand. I was searching the internet and finally online I learned there are SECRET bars that flip up when completely assembled that the car seat attaches to. Boy did I feel dumb after sitting on the floor for 2+ hours with the stupid thing. After the whole stroller incident, I decided against putting the swing together.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Disturbing Jeff and Candy....
Someone is letting our dog, Dutch, out of the backyard. 2 weeks ago Thursday I got a call while at work from my neighbor down the street and around the corner, asking me if I had a dog named Dutch. He had gotten out somehow and I figured it was him digging out. Chris, my friendly neighbor, brought him home for me and checked things out. When I got home I searched the yard for the "escape hole". Never found it. Called Chris and he told me the front gate was open. That baffled me because I can't even get the gate open and there is no possible way that Dutch could do it. The lock is almost at the top of the fence and pushing and pulling will not open the gate. Anyways, 2 weeks later, this past Thurday, I get another call from a lady in the neighborhood asking if I have a dog named Dutch. I knew when she said that, he was loose. She kindly kept him at her house all day and I picked him up after work. I was anxious to get home and see how he had gotten out. Low and behold, the gate was open again. At this point I knew someone had to be letting him out. I knew I had to lock the fence. Jeff and I discussed this too and he agree to lock the gates. Well I have been off work from Friday thru today, so I didn't put the locks on yet since I would be home. I got up at 8:30 to feed him. I walk outside and look over to find the gate is wide open again!!!!! I jump in the truck, searching for Dutch and luckily I found him pretty quickly almost at the back entrance leading to the main road. The lock is on the gate now. I've been talking to Jeff online this morning and the only thing we can figure is someone around us knows that Jeff is gone and that his truck is normally always here, but they don't realize I've sold my car and that someone was home. We think that someone hears a dog barking all night and thinks it is Dutch. The neighbors never let their dog out of the fence so how would they know they have a dog and that HE'S the one barking all night? I think Dutch is being accused of something he hasn't done and someone wants him to go away and not come back. We are ready to use survelliance and get the cops involved once we know who it is. I am pissed about this entire situation.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Disturbing the Peace!!!
I am laying in bed listening to our neighbor's dog continously barking. For some reason writing about it is helping me release some steam. He has been barking for over 2 hours straight, maybe at his own shadow. I have been trying to get some much needed sleep, but Dakota (the barker) is making it almost impossible. Meanwhile, I am looking ahead to the future, when Jeff and I have a baby in here with us and are completely exhausted, trying to sleep and Dakota starts barking non-stop. What ever will we do? I see a bark collar, compliments of Jeff and Candy in Dakota's future. Last night, Dakota decided to grace me with his "singing" at 4am for approx. 45 mins. Can you see my frustration? Thank goodness, our (he's only Jeff's when he's bad..lol) dog, Dutch, is being quiet as a mouse, not bothering anyone in the backyard. I guess Dutch figures he wouldn't be able to get a "word" in. Anyways, I think Dakota must be taking a water break, because I think I hear silence, so I'm going to take advantage and try to get to sleep.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
32 week checkup today
Well, Brooke and I had our 32 week checkup today. Everything is right on track. All my labs were normal, no gestational diabetes and blood pressure is great. I've only gained 18 lbs so far. Apparently I will gain about 1 lb a week until she's born. Sure is fun being able to eat whatever...lol....Tomorrow is the big 3D/4D ultrasound where I get to see her chubby little face, if she cooperates. I will get those pictures posted tomorrow for everyone, esp. daddy to see.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Deployed Husband!!

Above it the 2nd picture where he sees the nice picture I took of him and posted.

This is the first picture where I asked him to smile.
Today is approx. 1 month from his return home. YEAH!!!! I cannot wait, althought looking at the picture above your probably thinking why? lol Hopefully he's not making that face when he gets off the plane!!! Above are pictures from our earlier chat via webcam which I love!! Jeff's other deployments he did not have the capabilities to get on a webcam.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Surprise Baby Shower!!! Nov 1, 2008

These are the burp cloths my sister had made
for Brooke...I absolutely love them!!! I hate to
use them!!

The cake my sister made for the shower. It's perfect!!!
I am very impressed!!!
My huge self with all my gifts from the shower!
Well much to my surprise, I came home yesterday from my breastfeeding class to find MY house full of friends and family for a Surprise Baby Shower hosted by my dear sister Angela, and my Mom. I am still trying to figure out how they managed to have it at MY house!!!! My sister called me at 9:46am to chat. My mom called me a few minutes later and wanted me to meet her at Waffle House at 11:00am, so I agreed. Meanwhile my sister said she would meet me at my house after my breastfeeding class at 1pm. I met mom, had brunch and we both went to Target to kill time before my class. The class was sooooooo boring!!! I was watching my watch and couldn't wait to get out of there. I stopped at our favorite bakery and got a dozen of our favorite flower cookies. Little did I know I would be bringing them to my own baby shower. My sister called me on the way home to see where I was.... mainly because my class ran late. Anyways, I pulled up on my street and when I saw all the cars at my house, especially the ones that belong to people that have never visited our home, I knew something was up. (Guess the pink balloons on the mail box were a slight give away too) I walked into MY house and everyone yelled SURPRISE!! Boy was I surprised....I was more surprised that they managed to have it at MY house without me knowing. My sister and mom are sneaky!!!!
I love you both very much!!!!
Georgia National Fair 10/5/08
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