Brooke checking her email before we left for Miami.
Checking in for the cruise.
On the platform to the ship.
Brooke testing out Nina and
Poppi's bed.
Nina's favorite picture. (I think it is mine too!)
Brooke passed out in her "crib" after she peed all over our bed.
On the deck to watch the ship depart Miami.
The ride out of the Port of Miami.
The view of the coast of Miami.
Brooke eating some fruit at dinner.
Jeff and I during our first dinner on the ship.
Daddy had his hands full during dessert so I put a bib on him in case something dropped.
I had to feed him his Strawberry ice cream.
Daddy with his girl hanging out on deck.
Riding down the glass elevator.

Brooke and Mommy still passed out.
Wide awake and happy with her new do!
Such a sweet picture of them!
Our ship docked in Nassau Bahamas.
Mommy about to rub Brooke down with sunscreen!
Daddy stealing a kiss on the boat to Atlantis.
Nina in front of Atlantis.
Not sure what this look was for???
A glass decoration in the casino of Atlantis.
Inside the hotel. Notice the built in aquarium on the far wall.
Brooke checking out the fish and the glowing blue water.
These fountains spit water out at this huge ball and made it spin.
The bone fish in the "moat" around the hotel.
The huge Manta Ray's in the "moat".
The private beach area of Atlantis.
A far off view of Atlantis. Apparently the "bridge" in the middle belonged to Michael Jackson and rents for $25,000 a night, minimum 4 nights and is booked for the next 5 years.
Brooke with Nina before we went swimming in the pool.
Brooke loved to play with Nina's many necklaces.
Brooke smiling at her Nina.
An "ariel view" of Brooke, Nina and I in the pool on the ship.
Brooke apparently liked the salt water in the pool.
Nina sporting Brooke's hat in the pool.
Brooke checking out Poppi.
Poppi starting Brooke on Coor's light.
Jeff and I on formal night. Brooke spent the evening with Nina and Poppi.
Father and Son. Great picture!
Poppi had Brooke laughing as the played a "hand" game.

The sharks in the water where we were planning to swim. This was early Wednesday morning when Jeff and his dad went out.
The ride over to the island.
Brooke's first nap on the island. (She already had her sunscreen on!!)
Stripped down and ready for her swimsuit.
While the girls hung out on the island, the guys had an excursion of their own, Fishing!!
Great picture of the guys!!!
This was taken after lunch, we were so relaxed. It was warm but we had a very nice breeze.
Brooke was passed out!!! She slept for an hour and a half.
Brooke and Nina in the water.
Brooke and I swimming in shark-free water.
There were a lot of Jellyfish, but no stings here!
My sweet girl. She loved the water.
Tom with the "fishing guide".
Brooke at dinner as we set up her highchair.
We got a nice serinade during dinner.
My poor sunburned husband. (They never learn!!)
The crew was nice enough to embarrass me and sing Happy Birthday during dinner.
Our head waiter playing with Brooke (as most of the crew did).
Our main dinner waiter Gabriel from Columbia.
One of the nice staff came over and made Brooke a set of ears.
Nina with her 4 desserts (well, not really). Two were borrowed!
My yummy birthday Brownie.
Jeff sharing a sweet moment with his mom.
Brooke just chillin' out with Daddy.
Brooke and Daddy on deck.
Our view of Key West from the deck.
Jeff had to wear long sleeves to keep the sun from hitting his sunburn.
We stood in front of Sloppy Joe's in front of a live web came. I called my dad who could see us standing there in Key West from his computer in Ga.
Poppi showing Brooke around.
Wonder what she was eating?? I know what is was, but I also know what it looks like...lol
The Southern Most Point in the USA. We walked there from the cruise ship. It was a long, hot walk and Brooke was not happy when we got there!!! Nina and I were smart and took a bike taxi back to the ship area with Brooke. The men had to walk!!
Brooke and Daddy on the Conch train tour in Key West.
Poppi found a place to get beer a lot cheaper than on the ship.
Nina and I snuck on the ship and hid out in the bar, hiding from our husbands. The waitress was trying to help hide us but Tom found us anyways.
The private island off Key West (for the wealthy!!)
Our last dinner on the ship. (can we say "deer in the highlights!!")
The italian song peformed by our wait staff (no idea what they were singing!!)
A nice family picture as the sun set in Key West.
A great shot of all of us!! We had a great time and didn't want to leave!!!

We had a great time on our cruise!!! It was supposed to be a trip for just Jeff and I, but the closer it got, the more upset I got about leaving my baby. I was so upset the night before we left for Ft. Lauderdale that Jeff decided to invite his parents along so Brooke could come with us. That turned out to be the best decision (not that I didn't want time alone with my husband!!). I had a great time hanging out with just the girls. I feel like I had more bonding time with Nancy (mom) and I know Jeff and Tom enjoyed their time together doing manly things!! I am so ready to go again!!!!