...is a challenge!! I have never been so nauseated in my life!!! Yesterday was the worst day so far. I was hoping for a repeat of Brooke's pregnancy but no such luck! I so wish I would have had the nausea with Brooke and not with this one. It's so hard feeling this way while taking care of a 1 year old. ( I know Kelly knows what I'm talking about!!) Aside from the sick feeling and bathroom breaks every 30 mins, everything is going good. I'll see the Dr. next Wednesday and make sure there's only one in there. I'm upset that Jeff won't be there due to combat training at work! I tried to reschedule but they are so booked I'd have to wait until mid Feb to see a doctor and I don't want to wait that long. I'll let you guys know what they say next week.
On a different note I want to thank Jeff for being incredibly helpful the last couple weeks. He started in Florida giving Brooke baths every night as has continued to do so since we've been home. It's already so uncomfortable for me to bend over and bath her and he has continued to do it without complaint. He had stepped up with this pregnancy so much and I can thank him enough!!!
Thank you Jeff, Love you!!!