Happy 55th Birthday Aunt Cheryl!!!! Don't forget what Bill said, "You can now get a senior citizen's discount at Dairy Queen." Maybe you and Grandma can get together and go!!! (love ya!)

Brooke with her Papa.

Aunt Cheryl with the birthday cake I made for her.
The cake

Side view!

Papa feeding Brooke a lemon.

Brooke loves eating lemons! I'm surprised she doesn't make a face!

How sweet! Shelby giving Grandma a kiss.
Sisters, Kelly and Cheryl (my favorite aunts)

Ronnie finally came out of the closet!!
Brooke playing with the awesome sign language book her Great Aunt Cheryl made for her!! It is so cute!!
She loves to stick her tongue out at people now.
My Great-Uncle Charles and my Grandma (brother and sister)
Me and my dad

Aunt Cheryl and Shelby
You have to wear a sombrero when you celebrate your birthday at a Mexican restaurant.
The birthday song!

Great Uncle Charles celebrated his birthday yesterday.

Aunt Cheryl opening her gift from her sister Kelly!
Brooke smiling at her Aunt Charlene.

Brooke and Mommy! (1 more month and daddy will be back in pictures with us...YEAH!!!)

Shelby girl!
What a beautiful girl she is!
Poor Aunt Charlene on crutches after having knee surgery a week ago.
Mom, Kelly and Grandma dressed alike in black. Shelby jumped in the picture to add some color!
Brooke reading her book from Aunt Cheryl when we got home.
Looks like an awesome party!! I love the cake!!!! Brooke looked like she had fun too!! Love the new book she got; she seems to be enjoying it!! Good to see YOU in some pics Candy!! You usually are taking them! You and Brooke look wonderful together! Time for daddy to be home and in them too! :) Nina
Funny/cute cake! I bet your aunt loved it. One of these days you'll have to give me a "how-to" lesson on making fondant. It looks much easier to work with than reg. buttercream. Maybe I would have less cake decorating temper if I turned to fondant :) Shelby is looking very grown up...and very tan :) Great pics!
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