We had our 2nd OB appointment today. I'm so glad that Jeff and Brooke were able to make this appointment with me. My first appointment they did an ultrasound which Jeff missed thanks to a training class. Today we were scheduled to hear his/her heartbeat for the first time. The nurse that came in tried to locate the heartbeat and couldn't. We could hear the baby moving around, but I guess there was too much movement for her to get it. She told us the Doctor would try and if still no heartbeat they would do a ultrasound to make sure they could see it. I wasn't too worried since the baby was clearly moving around. The Doctor came in and almost immediately got the heartbeat! As we were listening to the heartbeat he asked if we wanted to see the baby! Of course we do...Especially since Jeff was there to see it!!!! He said everything with the baby so far looks good! The baby was definitely moving around and kicking (although I'm not feeling it yet). Hopefully in about 3 weeks we can find out if Brooke will be a big sister to a baby brother or baby sister!

This picture is of the baby face down on the left. If you look closely you can see his/her profile. The baby was kicking too much to get an actual picture with the legs in it!
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