I knew it was just a matter of time before my little girl finally came down with her first real "sickness". She's only had a mild cold (with no fever, no meds) since she was born. On Thursday morning about 5am, I rolled over and noticed she felt extremely hot all over. I got her Tylenol out and gave her a dose which kicked in after what seemed like an eternity. When she finally woke up, she was definitely not her happy, sweet little self. I felt horrible!!! I gave her more Tylenol around 9am and she seemed to be keeping a normal temperature after that. At 2:45pm I had my OB appointment. I took Brooke with me and not long after getting there she was burning up again. I took her temperature and it was 102.5 under the arm. I immediately gave her more Tylenol and called the base pediatric office. They had no appointments available that day or on Friday. They took a message and had a nurse call me back. The nurse told me it was normal for kids to run a fever for about 24 hours and to call if it got worse. She told me to give her water and/or pedialyte to keep from getting dehydrated. After waiting to see my doctor for over an hour (I was about to reschedule since I had Brooke on me burning up) I ran to the store to get Pedialyte. My Mom had met me at the Doctor's office to hold Brooke while I saw the Dr. and sat with her in the car so I could run in the store. She slept most of the day and I continued the Tylenol every 3 1/2 hours to keep her fever down. Friday she woke up with a fever but she seemed to be feeling a little better. She was walking around the house and had a little bit of an appetite. We attended my Aunt's Mom's funeral Saturday morning since she seemed to be doing okay. After the funeral and lunch she went down for a nap and woke up with another fever!!! I decided that evening to try giving her Amoxicillin in case she had a touch of strep throat. She was prescribed Amox. in June before heading to Florida since I had come down with it. She never ended up needing it so I had it on hand. I gave her her first dose last night around 6pm and her 2nd dose at 6am this morning. During breakfast, I noticed she had a rash all the way around her scalp line and she was still not feeling well. She did have a fever again this morning. I decided to take Brooke to the med stop. The doctor thinks she has something viral and gave us Zithromax and said the rash was definitely an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin. The rash had actually gotten worse by the time I got to the Med Stop. I had brought the Benadryl with me to give her a dose after the doctor saw her. He also gave me Claritin to use for the rash. My poor little girl did NOT like her visit to the Med Stop. I felt so bad that she was so upset and not feeling well. On a positive note, we did make it in time to celebrate Gavin's Birthday with him. We obviously didn't stay long since Brooke was sick. As of now, she hasn't had a fever since this morning but she still has the most pitiful, sick looking eyes and is sleeping a lot. I HOPE tomorrow my baby will be back to her sweet, happy little self and in to everything!!!
Brooke asleep on her blue pillow Thursday afternoon.

My sick little girl today at Gavin's party. She wanted so bad to play but was so exhausted. My sister and I thought she was going to fall asleep sitting there. She did perk up enough to eat pizza, ice cream and cake before passing out on the way home.
The rash behind her right ear at the Doctor's office.
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