What a sweet baby!!

Grandma w/Brooke
Gavin fresh out of the curtains with static in his hair.
Aunt Angela burping Brooke
I love this little face!!
Cousin Gavin with Grandma
Nina and Poppi Gritter in Brooke's room
Nina and Brooke
Daddy with Brooke (feeding time)
Brooke at her first Dr's visit
Daddy buttoning Brooke back up after her visit
This is the funniest video. Gavin watched Brooke nursing on a bottle and I guess he got interested and wanted to try it himself.
OMG!! she looks JUST LIKE jeff!
Wonderful new pictures!!!! I am crackin up at Gavin and the bottle! Too funny!Looks like Brooke had fun seeing all of her other side of the family!!
Tom got us home VERY quickly!! I thought I did good at 8 hrs on the way up..he got us home in 7!And alot of the traffic was passing us up!
Miss you guys already and miss sweet little Brooke..she is soooooooooooooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!! But then you already know THAT!!:)
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