My sleeping beauty!!! She woke up and I was feeding her and she fell asleep!! How could I not love this beautiful baby!!!
Brooke woke up hungry while I was writing this blog. She is so funny when she drinks her bottle. If you take it out of her mouth for a second, she gets mad. She then gets full and passes out.
I don't think there is one word to describe the feeling of becoming a mother. I look at this little girl all day every day and cannot believe Jeff and I created her and that she grew in my belly for 40 weeks. It is the greatest feeling!!! I was in love with her from the moment I found out I was pregnant and didn't think I could love her anymore than I did at that moment. Then when we found out the sex of our precious little girl (who was 70% a boy the first ultrasound) I fell even more in love with her. Then the moment that little girl was born and every moment since then I fall more in love with her. I love holding her and hate to put her down (but I do LIBBY!!). Jeff has to call out that it's his turn to hold her (I don't like when it's his turn!!!!) It's amazing the love you feel for someone you have only known a short time!! All the late night feedings, lack of sleep, poopy diapers, etc. is definitely worth it. She's actually asleep in her pack-n-play as I write this and I keep going in there to see if she's awake. She's like a drug to me...I can't imagine my life without her. It's hard to believe she's already 2 weeks and 3 days old. I don't want her to grow up!!! Why can't they just stay little? Do they make a pill for that????
Ahhhh, look at that little milk guzzler!!! She sure loves her bottle!!! Thats just so funny how she falls asleep and theres her mouth still in the o shape of the nipple!! Too funny!! Look at that precious little face!! Wow, shes gettin chubby!!! I love her so!!! Cant wait to see you three in Feb!! xoxox Nina G
lol she passed out! she is so cute and tiny
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