As you can see, I got left in the dust by all the anxious strawberry pickers!!! Brooke fell asleep a few minutes before we got there, but as soon as she heard her cousin's voices, she was wide awake laughing and ready to pick!!

Kalyn, Naya (my cousin), Shelby, Gavin and my sister filling up their buckets.

My barefoot child (my Mom ran off with her before I could get her shoes on!) in awe over the strawberry in her bucket.

Grandma holding Brooke, who looks like she is hunting strawberries for her basket.

Gavin running over to show us his big bucket of strawberries. He was so proud!!!

The kids taking bites of their strawberries that are grown pesticide-free.

Brooke still checking out her strawberries. She would put one back and pick up another one to examine.

Surprisingly, Brooke never tried to take a bite out of any strawberries.

My sister, the kids and myself were done picking strawberries and were ready for ice cream, but Grandma was making sure she didn't leave any strawberries unpicked!

Brooke loved her bucket of strawberries and was very upset when they weighed them and didn't give her the bucket back. We only picked 2 lbs so they put ours in a plastic container. Everyone else got to keep their buckets!!
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