Well, as most of you know, we had a offer on our house a day and a half after putting it on the market. Jeff was leaving for training on May 2nd for 2 months and we had to be out of our house by May 27th. The weeks flew by and before I knew it, it was time for the movers to come. We had a few things already put away in storage (things we may need before we find a house, things for the baby and things that couldn't be replaced if the movers destroyed it.) I had pretty much packed our clothes, emptied all the dressers and closets before the movers came. Two guys showed up on the 24th and 25th to pack everything and on the 26th the "BIG" movers came. I tried my best to clean what I could around the movers (and Brooke!). Luckily on Monday and Wednesday, my sister had Brooke most of the day so I could clean! A lady in music class gave me the name of a wonderful lady who came and helped me as the BIG movers were clearing the house completely. I had pretty much cleaned all the appliances in the kitchen, my shower and Brooke's bathroom which was a huge help come cleaning day. Talk about exhausted, mentally and physically the entire week!! I'm sure being almost 7 months pregnant helped too! As I pulled out of the driveway, I thought I better get one last picture of the outside of our house. That's when my emotions took over!!! July would have been 4 years in that house. I planned my wedding from that house. I got married and came home to that house. I had the most beautiful baby girl and brought her home from the hospital to that house!! How could I not get emotional! I thought that was the last time I would go inside that house. Of course something came up the next morning before closing and I had to run back to change the garage code and leave it all over again. Closing went well I guess. It took a little over an hour to complete. It felt weird handing my house keys over to someone else!!! Little did I know, the next day, I had to pick up some mail and show the new homeowner a few things in the house. It was weird seeing someone else's stuff in the house. It even smelled different already!! I think Brooke was a little confused too!
All that being said, I'm glad it's all over and I can rest for a day or so....between my sister's house and my parent's house. I am officially staying with my sister, but a few nights I was too exhausted to leave my parent's house, so Brooke and I just borrowed my brother's bed. My plans are to head to Ft. Lauderdale around the 11th to stay with Jeff's parent's and then head back up here as Jeff finishes his training abroad. We hope to go house hunting when he gets back and then head to the mountains for the Gritter Reunion. We are still in limbo about where to have our baby boy. Apparently, Jeff has to report for more training at the beginning of August for 3 weeks or go after I have the baby. I don't like the thought of being in Florida alone with Brooke and going into labor without Jeff. I also don't want to be alone with 2 babies if he goes afterwards. Did I mention how much I loving moving?????

Here is Brooke's beautiful wall before I had to take the letters down and patch the nail holes!

Boy was it hard to pull everything off the wall!! I loved her room!!!

No letters!!! :(

She has the cutest little butt!! I took this picture thinking this was her last bath in our house but I ended up staying one more night.

This was her last bath in our house. Poor thing had no toys to play with. She didn't seem to mind though. The cup worked well!

Brooke's room empty with the holes patched up. So depressing!!! The new owner is painting the room a dull beige and brown color!!

My empty living room after we finished cleaning.

My dad coming down the stairs after unscrewing a fishing rod holder hidden in the closet.

Mom was a little upset too about the house being sold. She said she wanted Dad to buy our house for her! lol

Our bedrooms looked tiny without our furniture in it!

Mom and Dad hanging out in the kitchen right before we left.
1 comment:
aww, you made me tear up! you guys can make any house a home, though... New home, new baby, new memories to be made.. It's exciting!
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