Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our First Family Outing

I had been wanting to get Brooke out of the apartment and go have some fun. My sister was headed to a park in Byron that has playground equipment and a water pad (which I know Brooke loves), so we decided to make a trip to the park. Much to our disappointment, the water pad wasn't on/working. I'm so glad that Brooke's cousins were there and she played a lot with Daddy on the equipment. Me being 4 days after giving birth wasn't much for sliding down any slides!! It was a such a beautiful day!!! Joel took some awesome pictures (as you will see in this blog).

This is the reaction on 98% of his diaper changes!

Aunt Angie showing Brooke her little brother.

Of course, since we were in Bryon, we had to introduce Nina to the AWESOME snow cones!!!

Austin asleep in Daddy's arms while Mommy and Brooke finished their snow cones.

Friday, August 27, 2010

More pictures...

Here we are about to go home from the hospital! YEAH!!!

Austin at 2 days old.

Brooke holding here little brother.

Such a sweet girl!

The entourage leaving the building!

My favorite picture of our kids!!

A visit from my sister and Morgan.
I couldn't imagine having twins!!!

Austin meeting his cousin Morgan (who is 13 days older than him)

She makes him look tiny!!

Welcome home Mommy!! Both kids passed on me not long after arriving home from the hospital.

Austin asleep in his temporary bed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brooke is a BIG SISTER!!!!

Brooke kissing my belly before we headed to the hospital.

Brooke and Mommy not long before Austin was born!

Austin under the heater.

The big weigh in....8 lbs 2.4 oz

Jeff and I are thrilled to have welcomed a son, Austin Thomas Gritter on August 25th at 4:57pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds 2.4 ounces and is a long 21 inches! He is a handsome little man just like we knew he would be!! Brooke is the best big sister and loves her little brother!!! The delivery went very well! The only complaint was I thought my epidural was wearing off since I was starting to feel contractions on my left side that were getting stronger and stronger. After a bolus dose from the nurse and something extra from the epi Dr., I was good to go. It was maybe 10 minutes after these doses that I felt a ton of pressure. I called my nurse who checked me and said it was baby time! 2 pushes later, Austin Thomas was born. We had quite a shock when his umbilical cord was visible...there was a huge knot tied in it. We were so lucky that Austin made it with no complications!!
The umbilical cord with the knot in it!

Daddy is very proud of his son!!

Nina with Austin for the first time.

Brooke meeting her baby brother for the first time.

Brooke pushing her brother's bed (luckily he wasn't in it!)

Brooke being entertained by Daddy in the small hospital room.

Brooke pulling Daddy's hair...must have hurt from the look on his face!

Here are Austin's first professional pictures...taken at the hospital.

Brooke checking out her baby brother.

Brooke going in for the kiss!

Austin checking out Daddy.

Brooke "holding" Austin. She rubbed his head, kissed him then wanted him off!

Brooke pushing Austin's bed around the room. I told them we should have put Brooke's baby doll in it and let her push it in the hall. I would have loved to see their reactions!!