She looks just like her daddy's baby pictures...lol...She has the deer in the headlights look while I'm taking her pictures!!
She's checking out the camera.
Watching Mommy take pictures!

Fresh out of the bath!!
She likes to eat her blankets!!
She makes the funniest pictures.
One of her Valentine's Day Outfits

Seems like we just took this picture!!
Minutes after her birth a month ago!!
See, she was just born!!! She can't be one month old already!!!
Our precious baby Brooke is already one month old!!!! I can't believe how fast one month has gone by!!! I can still picture her birth like it was yesterday, not a month ago!!! Since her daddy left on Feb 3rd, I have seen so many things that I hate he is missing. She is definitely growing and putting on some baby fat. Her little arms and legs have the baby fat rolls and as you can see in her pictures, she has a double chin. She enjoys her feedings and gets upset if you take her bottle away before she's done. She made her first baby "coo" yesterday and it melted my heart!!! I can't wait until she starts smiling (real smiles at us, not gas ones) and talking to us in her baby language. Her hands have learned to pull Mommy's hair already. Boy does she have a grip on her!!!! I have a hair appt. in about 2 weeks. Don't be surprised if my hair gets a little shorter!!! Another thing our little Brooke has discovered is the ceiling fan in the living room. Jeff turned the rotation on it right after she was born so it's not blowing cold air. She just loves to lay here on her Boppy or on me and stare at it. I'm not sure how focused she is on it, but she can definitely see it!!! I'm so glad Daddy will finally be home after 10 long days away so he can see all the changes in his little girl!! I know Brooke misses her Daddy!!! He comes home on Valentine's Day and we already have his gift ready and waiting on him!!!
1 comment:
How can Brooke be a month old!!??? She is so adorable in her little Valentine outfit!! :)I have a picture right here of Jeff and when I hold it up next to the 1st picture of Brooke...twins..:):)Cant believe how much she looks like HIM!! :)Love Ya! Nina
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