This is how much the storm bothered Brooke. She slept through the storm, me making the cake and dinner and now through me writing this blog. I'm jealous!!!
I thought while we were in Tornado Watch with one headed our direction, I would post some pictures!! This is Brooke's first official time in severe weather!!! My dad called and said we were having some hail warnings already and that I needed to pull the new car in the garage. I looked in the garage and thought yeah right!! There is so much crap in the garage!! Jeff called and said the sirens were going off at the base and pretty much demanded I pull the car in the garage. I had to move the 4 wheeler out of the garage and move, well more like throw things, onto the trailer. It was a tight squeeze but I did it. I had to be very careful getting out of the car with the door. It's so close to the trailer. If I was still pregnant, there would be no way I could have gotten out!!! Before I got the phone call from my dad, I was baking a cake (YUMMY!!!) I absolutely love cake batter and while I was pregnant, I had to avoid all raw cake and cookie mix which almost killed me!!! I managed to avoid doing so because I didn't want to hurt my little Brooke. I almost didn't want to bake the cake, I wanted to eat the batter, but I decided I better bake the cake and share the calories with my dear husband. Well they canceled all warnings that were going on around us, now they have restarted the sirens at the base and are now saying a tornadic cell is headed towards the base (they zoomed in on the roads and is pretty much pointed straight at the area where my dad is on base). Bad weather facinates my sister and I, but at the same time worries us to death. She is way worse than me. We should have been meterologists. Well they just confirmed a tornado at the base. I guess we wait now. Jeff called me right before they issued the warning and was at the gate leaving the base. He should be home any minute!!! I don't like sitting through bad weather myself, especially with a new baby!!! I guess I will post pictures after everything is all clear.
Ok, update...Jeff is home safe and I just talked to my dad and he's ok. They are still reporting a sighting at the base. My dad said he didn't see anything, not that he was outside looking. He said they were huddled in the bathroom at the hanger and they definitely heard something go right over them. Glad everyone is safe!!!
i know what you mean! i'm dreading hurricane season, i'm sure we're due this year. saturday is almost here!!!!
I cant believe you guys are into WEATHER!! ME TOO!!! I have loved weather and am obsessed with it since I was a little kid!!! I am so glad everyone was ok and no damage was reported! Love the sweet, peaceful picture of Brooke!!!She just gets cuter and cuter if thats possible!! Give her a kiss from Nina! xoxo
I'm glad you all are safe! I bought a weather radio a few years ago and I love it. It has a loud alarm that goes off in bad weather,so great when you are sleeping at night.
Also, and FYI on your cake batter: I learned last semester in Microbiology that you can eat raw cake batter if you use Eggbeaters instead of real raw eggs. The Eggbeaters have been pasturized and are therefore safe to eat in batters. That's what makes cookie dough icecream safe to eat. Also a thought as Brooke gets older and wants to lick the batter. Food for thought! Love ya! Tracy
PS, the deleted comments were mine, I forgot to proof read first!
you are right about Brooke's arm they are getting chubby.
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