Amanda, Braden and Jeffrey at Grandma's house
Amanda, Jeffrey and Brooke
Jackson (Devin's 1 year old who is the size of a 3 year old!!)

Great Aunt Kelly gave our poor Brooke a mohawk!!
Great Aunt Cheryl with Braden
Jeffrey and Amanda's son Braden who shares a birthday with Brooke.
Great Aunt Kelly with Brooke
I took Dutch for a 4-wheeler ride and came back and Jeffrey and Amanda had my poor baby in a straight jacket....
Here is a video of Brooke trying to hold her head up on the Boppy pillow!!
My cousin Jeffrey and his wife Amanda came to visit this weekend. They brought their son Braden with them. He and Brooke share a birthday, although she is almost 7 hours older than him. He's such a cutie pie!!! We enjoyed their company, especially since the house is so quiet without Daddy/Jeff here with us (WE MISS HIM!!!) Jeffrey and his family got here around 8 pm on Friday night. We ordered pizza and just hung out. Amanda went to bed around 11am. She was exhausted from the trip and Braden I'm sure. Jeffrey and I stayed up until around 2am that night just chatting and hanging out with our babies. They took Brooke and I out to Applebee's Saturday for breakfast/lunch. THANKS GUYS!!! After that, we spent several hours over at Grandma's house passing around the babies. Aunt Cheryl and Kelly were there spoiling our kids. Later that evening we went to eat Mexican with my parents, my sister and her family and Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Charlene. We called it an early night last night. Us parents were exhausted!!! I had Jeffrey put Brooke in a straight jacket last night to see if she would sleep better like that. Five minutes after I laid her down I went to check on her and little Houdini had gotten her arms out of that tight wrap Jeffrey did. She didn't like that!!! I got up around 2 am to fix a bottle and poor Amanda was on the couch with Braden trying to get him to sleep. I got up again around 6 am and shortly after that I heard another bottle being made. We were almost on the same schedule with our babies. Brooke and I were sad to see them go. I talked to Jeffrey about an hour ago and they had made it home safely!!! Come back anytime!!!!
good job, brookie! i'll see you in 2 weeks! love, landon
Thanks for sharing the pictures. It's always fun to read your blog.
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