Welcome to the blog of the Gritz...Jeff, Candy, Brooke and our newest addition Austin. We have recently moved to the Panhandle of Florida with the Air Force and are ready to get settled into our new home with our beautiful kids. Let's see what new adventures we can get into!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Early Anniversary Surprise from Dad to Mom

Do you know your movies?

Thursday, March 26, 2009
You know your a mom when......
*You are sitting in a chair and realize that you would pay someone $5000 to go to the bathroom for you and bring you a cup of coffee.
*Poop is an acceptable dinner subject
*You pride yourself in being able to eat salad without dropping anything on baby's head
*You are standing in your kitchen alone, swaying to comfort an invisible baby, and shove the remaining 1/4 of a PBJ into your mouth so you will be able to finish it and also pee before the cries escalate from level 1 to LEVEL 4!!
*You absentmindedly call your husband "buddy" and refuse to apologize for it
*You have not been on time for anything in 3 months and stopped caring 2 months ago
*The only penis you have seen in months has been in a diaper and you kinda don't mind
*Any day you have not gotten pooped/peed on is a great day
*Any day where you have accomplished 2 of the 10 things on your list is a great day
*It is 3:00 in the afternoon and you realized you have not looked in the mirror all day, let alone brushed your hair. Showering is something you may have done yesterday, you can't quite remember.
*You typed this entire thing with one hand while feeding baby with the other
"You will pick a baby's booger, wash your hand and think nothing about it!"
-before you were a mommy you wondered how people could let their babies/toddlers cry in public....now you chalk it up to growth spurts, hunger, dirty diaper or a missed nap. -you use to drive 80mph minimum on the highway now pushing 70mph seems a bit fast. -using your feet to open cabnets, grab laundry off the floor or what ever else you need to do while carrying around an infant who is dead asleep is second nature. -you never realized a smile could make you heart burst with excitment until now. -you've learned that advise by others should be taken lightly. -your life revolves around naptime, lunch time, snack time, bed time and play time...what happened to prime time??? - You & your partner carry a conversation in a soft voice not to wake the baby up - People stop asking about your personal life and asking you out, and when they ask you something it often begins with a "So how's that baby ___________" - You know all the diaper, formula and bottle brands - You have the ability to wake up, prepare a bottle and feed the baby with your eyes closed - You catch spit up with your hand/body rather than have it hit the couch,baby's outfit, etc and barely bat an eye - Taking a nice slow shower; shaved legs, brushed teeth and dry hair sounds extravagant
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Easter Pictures

Monday, March 23, 2009
A New Discovery!!!!

She does EVENTUALLY close her eyes, but not in these pictures!!
Our little Brooke has finally discovered she has feet!!!! Granted, I did have to show her, but she actually tries to reach for them when I lift them up for her to see. She just stares at them!!! She played with her left foot this morning. I was sooooo proud!!!! I love being home to watch her new discoveries. She is so alert (amazingingly more than she was when she was born)!! She is checking everything out these days. I so wish I could read her little mind!! She is also smiling so much more and it cracks me up when she tries to laugh. Her big beautiful brown eyes just light up and she makes a little coughing noise with her mouth wide open and a big grin. I will have that imagine etched in my brain forever!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Foot Blanket

Happy Late St. Patrick's Day!!

***Sorry this post is a day late. The charger to my computer broke and my computer didn't have any power left. I went to my sister's today to rob some power from her. She has the same laptop (thanks Angie!!!) We really had an uneventful St. Patrick's Day. She sure did look good in green!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wedding Anniversary - Part 2 of 3

Married one year already????!!!!! What a year it's been!!!!! It seems like yesterday we were getting married at the beautiful Hay House!!! Hard to believe that 1 month after the wedding, Jeff was deploying back to the desert and that a week later I would find out I was a month pregnant!!!! I still remember the day two lines showed up on the pregnancy test. I think I took about 10 tests to be sure. I remember the decision not to tell Jeff or our families until Jeff got back from deployment in July. I did not want to tell him we were expecting over the phone or Skype. What a shock he got when he arrived home!!!!! After I told Jeff, we told our families who were in shock that I hid my pregnancy from them for 3 months!!! Then in January 2009, we welcomed the most precious gift, our baby girl Brooke!! I don't know how I could ever top this past year. I got the most wonderful husband I could ask for and the most beautiful daughter and could not be happier!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
2 Month Check-up

First I would like to say, that was the worst Doctor's appointment so far!!!! It was cold yesterday and the first thing they want you to do is strip your baby of her clothes!! I was cold with mine on!!! Well, we did bring the beautiful handmade blanket that Mary's friend Carol made for Brooke to keep her warm. They measured and weighed our little or shall I say BIG girl!! She's 23 inches long and a whopping 12lbs 10oz!!! She may be taking after her cousin Ashley in the chubby department!!! She's in the 75%tile class for her weight and length. Anyways, the Doctor says all is well with Brooke so far and she just needed her 3 shots and her oral vaccine and she was done. ONE nurse came in to administer her 3 shots. Lucky for the nurse, Brooke liked her oral vaccine. She even commented on how nice it was that she drank it with no problems. Guess our little porker likes anything!!! With her pacifier in her mouth (the nurse made me lay her on the table, so I couldn't swaddle her in my arms like Tracy suggested), the nurse stuck her in her left thigh. My poor baby, turned bright red, pushed the pacifier out and let out the most awful scream. I didn't think she was going to take another breath!!! She had tears in her eyes which immediately started my water works!!! I tried to hold back, but she was breaking my heart!!! It seemed like an eternity before she was done with all 3 shots and I could comfort my baby!!!! Jeff said he even got teary eyed!! I don't want her to get any more shots!! I don't think I can handle it!!! I did give her Tylenol before the mean nurse poked my baby, so she never ran a fever. My opinion on the shot thing is to have 2 nurses come in, so they can do all the shots at once instead of 3 different times!!!! After that appt., I was not in a great mood (ask Jeff!!), but I already wasn't feeling well before we got there. I just wanted to get home and comfort my poor little baby who was still trying to catch her breath when she got home!!!
Brooke trying out some of her new toys!!!