After a quick trip to the hospital this morning (for me, not Brooke), I called my dad and invited him to breakfast. After a yummy IHOP breakfast, we decided to visit the Honda Dealership. My dad had been researching new and used cars for my mom. Her car is about 10 years old and a piece of junk. We (Dad, Brooke and I) spent about 3 hours at the Honda dealership (Jeff did a quick visit after his haircut across the street). My dad went on a test drive while Brooke and I hung out at the dealership. Dad loved the car and knew Mom would love the car as well! My parents 33rd wedding anniversary is April 8th. Dad wanted to buy a new car, swap her car out at work with the new car and send her flowers with a box containing the new car keys for their anniversary (how romantic!!!.I had to get pregnant to get a new car...lol). I don't think Dad thought he would walk out of there today with a new car. We debated on what to do to surprise her. I told him he could hide the car overnight at my house and set up his surprise for tomorrow, but anyone that knows my dad knows he's like a kid and cannot keep a secret when it comes to his gifts to my mom. He's always so excited to give them to her which means she always gets them early!! She was getting off work at 3pm. We pulled out of the dealership about 2:38pm. I wasn't sure that we would make it all the way out there before she left. I called her as a decoy and asked her to meet me at Walmart when she got off. I told her I would call her back around 3pm to let her know where I was. Dad and I were funny to watch in the Frito Lay parking lot. We couldn't decide where to park for the surprise, we moved several times. Dad eventually ended up in my car on the side of the entrance with the new accord (sweet car!!) parked in front of the building. I called Mom to see where she was and she whispered she was in a meeting and would call me right back. After waiting 10 more agonizing minutes, I called her again and she had just clocked out. We waited another few minutes and no mom. Her work buddy came out and still no Mom. Dad called her over to my car and told her the new car (that people were stopping to check out) was Moms and she had no idea. Two more of her co-workers came out and stopped to watch. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, she emerged from the building. I was so glad I had my camera with me and was able to get a video of her reaction. I've talked to her several times since her surprise and she's like a little girl on her 16th birthday. GREAT JOB DAD!!!
Glad breakfast was yummy.
Above comment is kinda weird!! Gives me the creeps!!!
What a great gift! You're mom is spoiled rotten! Give your parents my love!
Ahhh, what an awesoome surprise!! And great that you caught it on video! Beautiful car! Happy Anniversary you two!!! Nancy
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