We were Skyping with Brooke's cousins and Aunt Kelly in Indy.
Another special visit with Great-Aunt Mary and Great-Grandma Gritz.
Brooke and Great-Grandma
Mommy and Brooke
Nina having a chat with Brooke.
Check out her rolls!!! I wish my rolls were this cute!!!
One of Nina and Brooke's chats. Brooke just loves her Nina!!!!
We left Nina and Poppi's around 9am this morning. We planned the exit around Brooke's feeding because we knew she would quickly pass out and she did!!! She slept until right past Orlando which is about a 3 hour drive from Ft. Lauderdale. We were debating on whether or not to stop at one of the rest areas on the turn pike to wake Brooke and feed her or continue on and try to make it to Ocala. We decided since she was still sound asleep, to continue on without stopping. Let me tell you, the MINUTE we passed the ramp for the rest stop, we heard noises coming from the back seat and we both looked at each other. We were thinking "oh crap" but at the same time we thought it was pretty funny. It was like she knew she was setting a trap for us. The next rest stop was 24 miles away. I quickly made a bottle and fed her while sitting in the front seat. We made it to the next rest area, burped her and changed her diaper in the car and continued on. From the rest stop, I just stayed in the back seat with her to keep her entertained (as much as you can do with a 7 week old baby). Jeff was going to try to make it to the Florida/Georgia border and let me drive because he was exhausted, as was I. I've never been much of a car sleeper, so I quizzed Jeff on his J-star knowledge for work instead of napping. I now know more about that airplane that I ever needed to know. Jeff decided he was too tired to make it to the border, so I took over about 50 miles south of the border. Poor Jeff was trying to nap in the back seat, but Brooke was not having it. She was getting tired of being in her seat. I had to pull off a ramp around exit 71 in Georgia. Jeff took her out of her seat and tried to calm her, but she was still being very fussy. We switched seats and I preceded to change her #1 diaper and she decided to begin a #2. Luckily I had a new diaper under her so it stayed in the diaper. We took off again and about 5-10 minutes later she was calm and quiet and remained that way the remainder of the trip. She surprised me at how well she tolerated the trip down there and back. I'm so proud of my little traveler!!! We got home around 6pm after a short visit at my parent's house to pick up Dutch. We came home, unloaded the car and I begin to get her things organized. I decided I wanted to take a bath. Finally, after 7 weeks, the reminisce of Brooke's delivery has left me !!! YEAH!!! I put Brooke in the tub with me to see how she would tolerate it. Our house stays pretty chilly in the winter so instead of baths in her tub with the cold air around her, we've been showering her with us and she likes it much better that way. Jeff handed her to me in the tub and she laid on my chest and didn't seem to mind the bath. After a few minutes, I guess she decided she didn't like it and started crying. Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of this bath. I didn't want to show off my post-delivery, stretched out, cellulite self for all to see...lol.. She did pass right out after the bath, so I guess it did some how relax her. We very much enjoyed our week long visit with Nina and Poppi. Brooke loved visiting with everyone and didn't mind everyone holding her, especially Nina and Poppi!!! She can't wait to see them in May when they come up for the air show. I have more pictures to post and more to say about our visit, but that will be another day (maybe tomorrow). We've had a long day!!
Ahhhh, what wonderful memories!!!!! We miss you guys!!! It was so so nice to have you all here for a whole week!!! Makes me miss ya even more as I see Brooke's sweet face and hear her cooing!!The week just flew by and yet we had alot of good time filling those days!! I think Brooke learned to shop at the Sawgrass from her shopping Grannie! Well, her mama is a good shopper too!! Even Daddy got some bargains!! :) Thanks for posting such great pics and videos!! Love, Nina xoxoxoxo
I love Brooke's face in the fourth picture.
lol...we have a pic of us on Skype with you too! :) Wish we could have see you in FL (for real, not via computer :)). Those pier pics were beautiful. You were much nicer than us...we made Ash wear a bathing suit and touch the water and sand and this was all in chilly Dec! She let us know she was none too pleased about that!
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