My husband and I

Me, my husband and our beautiful daughter!!

Another picture of us.

Shelby (my niece) kept trying to jump into our pictures so we picked her up like we were holding Brooke in our pictures...she's such a cutey!!!

Brooke with Aunt Angela (noticed the throw-up on both of them..lol) Brooke rarely throws up!!

On the way to dinner...what a nut!

More funny faces from my husband.

My favorite place to go for special occasions. We learned that it is a French restaurant thanks to our CRV's navigation system.

Our chubby faced Brooke asleep at Sam's Club.

Our wedding cakes!

The top to both cakes defrosted one year later.

Jeff playing with his food...haha!!

Trying our wedding cake.
Brooke passed out in her boppy chair right next to the dishwasher.
Up close shot by daddy!
Married one year already????!!!!! What a year it's been!!!!! It seems like yesterday we were getting married at the beautiful Hay House!!! Hard to believe that 1 month after the wedding, Jeff was deploying back to the desert and that a week later I would find out I was a month pregnant!!!! I still remember the day two lines showed up on the pregnancy test. I think I took about 10 tests to be sure. I remember the decision not to tell Jeff or our families until Jeff got back from deployment in July. I did not want to tell him we were expecting over the phone or Skype. What a shock he got when he arrived home!!!!! After I told Jeff, we told our families who were in shock that I hid my pregnancy from them for 3 months!!! Then in January 2009, we welcomed the most precious gift, our baby girl Brooke!! I don't know how I could ever top this past year. I got the most wonderful husband I could ask for and the most beautiful daughter and could not be happier!!
1 comment:
you call THAT throw-up???? Man, Ash has a lot to teach cousin Brooke! Or maybe that should be vice versa?? :) Aunt Angie would never want to hold our girl...she'd be covered in vomit (chunky/stinky kind) and poop (the staining/blow-out kind)! LOL! :)
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