This picture was taken on Saturday at the mall.
Her little outfit is size 6-9 months. She was 3 months old on Easter day...lol
She liked her Bunny Ears!!!
Our sweet little bunny!! Can you count the rolls in her arms???
Brooke with her Aunt Angela
Gavin with his Papa.
Trying to play badmitton in the wind.
If only you could hear the guys while playing horse shoes. I should have gotten a video....darn!!!
The kids flipping out of the hammock.
Aunt Charlene passed out on the couch. In her defense, she had to work on Easter and was up at 4:30 in the morning.
Our little honey with her Aunt Angie.

Brooke with her "My 1st Easter" bib on.
We decided to have our Easter Festivities at our house this year. We had my parents, my sister's family, my uncle Ronnie and Aunt Charlene, our cousin Ashley, our friends Pat, Paula and their daughter Kinley over to celebrate. My poor brother was under the weather, so he didn't make it. We grilled out, had two cakes, cookies, chips and the kids favorite drinks......YOO-HOOS!!! Yummy!!!!! My sister and Paula hid the easter eggs once in the front yard and once in the back yard for the kids which they thoroughly enjoyed. Brooke did manage to find one laying in the yard but she couldn't quite pick it up. Jeff put our hammock together outside and mom and Shaan finally managed to get the badmitton net up (after what seemed like an hour...lol). The kids loved the hammock (so did Mom!). Of course the kids main goal was to tip over!!! Now if you noticed who all came over, you will have noticed Jeff, Shaan, my dad and my uncle were all here. They are the weekend golf competitors who talk crap over who's going to beat who. Well, since they were unable to golf in the yard, they broke out the horse shoes. I have never heard so much crap talking on Easter in my life. They were soooooo funny!!!! I took Kalyn on a 4-wheeler ride throught the woods which she absolutely loved!!! We had such a good time yesterday. We will definitely have to do that more often!!!