Brooke obviously wasn't thrilled I was taking her picture.

You know your a mommy when.....I have always had a routine when I shower. Wash my hair first, then shave, wash and last I wash my face. Since I've had Brooke, I've had to put her in her Bobby chair while I jump in the shower. Well, yesterday I put her in her chair, jumped in the shower, washed my hair and started shaving my legs (I must do this to feel womanly still!). A few seconds later, my eyes started burning like they were on fire!!! I thought to myself, I think I washed my hair already but did I rinse it??? I put my hand on top of my head and much to my surprise......IT'S STILL SOAPY and running down my face!!! I may have gotten out of the shower with shampoo still in my hair if it hadn't gotten into my eyes. Maybe I should switch to baby shampoo so I have "No more tears."
oh goodness, candy...
landon wants to know if that purty smile was for him
I think she's starting to look like you!
LOL! Done the soap in the hair thing many a time! :) And, wow, my niece sure is getting big!! And her hair's getting longer. I should have gotten her some bows today at the bow party I went to. I can't wait to see her in person in just a few months. Ash is mighty excited to have a "Cuz" her age to hang with in NC! Love you guys....hugs to our fav. cousin/niece!
P.S. The funny faces must be from the wonderful Gritz genes...Ash makes 'em too! :)
Tehehe....Brooke is soooooooooooo smart that she follows and duplicates all of your mouth movements!! Brilliant child, isnt she????? She is starting to look like you Candy...such a sweety pie she is!!! Keep the pictures coming!! cant wait to see her in a month!!! YIPPEE!!!! Nina
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