As I watch my daughter, it amazes me how the littlest things she does just brings tears to my eyes and such pride comes over me. She is growing up before our eyes and accomplishing so many things. I love waking up to her every morning and seeing her happy, smiling, laughing little face. She is discovering so many things and she is so amazed by everything around her. She has a little toy mirror on her play gym and she finally saw herself in the mirror. She talks to herself and smiles and it just melts my heart watching her do this. She has also started grabbing and reaching for things. She loves to pull on my shirt and pull those little hairs right on the nape of my neck. She also started to lift her head like she wants to sit up. She'll be leaning back on me and lift her head and throw herself forward. Before I know it, she'll be walking!!! Brooke loves the outdoors!! If she's upset and doesn't want to calm down, I'll walk outside and she'll immeditaley become calm and just look around. She loves her walks, although it's been very windy here for a couple weeks and it takes her breath away. Hopefully soon the wind will calm down so we can restart our walks!!! I watch Oprah a few week ago and listened to moms say how they lose themselves after having kids. Sometimes I think that I didn't find myself until I had her. I love Motherhood!!

Ahhhh, your post makes me cry...happy tears :) You are a wonderful Mom Candy, and I knew you would be the minute I met you at Disney and the kids adored you right away( and you took then away from Poppi even when you didnt want to!! hahahaha)Brooke is one lucky little girl to have you as her Mom and I know you will feel the same way I did about Jeff and Kelly; I LOVED every stage of their lives and enjoyed then so so much. People always said "ohhh wait till the teen years come along, you will hate it" Nope, LOVED IT!!!! You will be the same through-out her whole life, in wonder of each stage and enjoy it so much!!
I thank God each day for you and for your wonderful little family! And WOW, you are now the super cake decorator!! Even if your clowns do go to sleep the next day!! (lol!!)Looks like you have the cake making talent!! Cant wait to see the fondant!!:) Love Ya! Nina
oh my god! brooke is getting even cuter by the day, i swear! she is a DOLL!! i can't wait to get my hands on her again again and kiss her little face again...! she looks older with each picture you post, i can't beLIEVE how much older she looks here! and about what your mom-in-law wrote- priceless! i absolutely love my mom in law and am glad we oth got lucky there! and you are a wonderful mom, but i think everyone close to you knew you would be...
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