Gavin and Shelby walking throught the fire truck.

Brooke hanging out with Grandma
Gavin is over the moon hanging out in the firetruck!!
Our beautiful Shelby hanging out on the fire truck.
The men working hard!!
Shelby's friend Kinley
Aren't we the cutest family...hehehe
Gavin with his Easter basket and his new sunscreen hairdo.
Here is Jackson trying to eat his plastic egg.
This is Gavin in the big bounce....I couldn't stop laughing. He was so excited he would bounce and go flying and get up and do it again!!
The Air Force base here had some Easter festivies for the kids on Saturday. We had a large crowd with us to join in on the fun. My sister's family - Kalyn + Kinley, our family, my mother + 2 cousins and my cousins friend. They had free lunch (hot dogs, chips and a kool-aid type drink), snow cones, big slides, bouncers, carnival games, face painting and more. One thing they did was put on a Easter Egg hunt for the kids. They seperated the kids by age. Shelby and Kinley were on the 3-5 year old side while Jackson (my 1 year old cousin who looks like he's 3) and Gavin (my nephew) hunted Easter Eggs at the 0-2 year old section. Anything older than 5 had its own section in a big field. When the fire trucks blew their horns the hunt was on. I took Gavin to his section and my cousin had her little brother with us. We were in the back of the crowd looking for eggs and I guess all the parents dragging their little ones in front of us did a clean sweep of all the eggs!!! That really bothered me. There were little kids that had the most disappointed looks on their faces because they couldn't find any (my cousin and nephew included!) These parents had 6-8 eggs in their baskets while some kids had none!!! I was very upset!!! Poor Gavin just kept on looking, he didn't want to give up. I finally sent my cousin over to where the girls were to borrow a few of their eggs to hide for the little boys who didn't get anything. Gavin was so cute when he finally find his first egg!!!! My little cousin Jackson wanted and tried to eat his...too funny!! It turned out to be a nice warm day and a great little event for the kids!!
that video is soooo funny! What a great fall at the end! You and Jeff look that you planned those matching outfits! LOL
It's funny you mention our clothes. I was actually in the shower when Jeff left to go on base, so I had no idea what he had on. We're becoming one now!!
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