Ashley pushing Brooke in her walker.
Ashley, Aunt Kelly and Brooke in our Artic Air living room!!

Brooke napping with her blue pillow.
Another set of matching outfits compliments of Nina.
It's so sweet when they hold fingers! lol
Then Ashley decides to pinch Brooke...lol
In the parking lot of Mingo Falls. Poppi carried Brooke up the 159 stairs since my back was killinh me! Thanks Poppi!
Dylan was so excited he walked across the creek by himself.
Kalyn in front of the falls.
Brooke in the freezing cold water for the first time. She kept lifting her feet up out of the water!
Brooke and Poppi on the bridge.
Shelby and Kalyn under the bridge.
Kelly and myself holding the girls. Looks like Ashley is trying to pull Brooke's arm off!
Poppi's carving...B&A 09 for Brooke and Ashley's first visit to Mingo Falls.
Tom did a carving with Jeff's name since he was absent. Not quite sure what E8 means!
This was Poppi's carving from last year...the year we were married.
A penny Poppi hid a few years ago on the bridge somewhere.
Ashley sitting in the freezing cold water. She's braver than me!! She loved it!!
Brooke took this picture..lol
I wish I could wear a bikini like that!!
All the girls at Mingo Falls.
Notice anything in Kevin's hair???
Nina and Kelly comparing pictures.
Ashley trying to get my camera as I take a picture.
Brooke about to pass out on Poppi.
Kalyn at the top of the 159 stairs we had to walk up and down.
Kalyn and I at the bottom of the stairs after counting them on the way down.
Poppi wearing Brooke's hair clip.
The girls hanging out in their strollers at the creek in Cherokee.
The girls heading down to the creek to float.
Hailey and Kalyn floating away!
My beautiful Brooke smiling at Mommy!
Boy this was a work out!
Ashley playing in the creek.
I know who took this picture!!! The girl talking to me said Brooke was a chubby baby then told me "She was a chubby baby" too! Who would have thought!!!
This nap was short lived. She was soooo hot!
Poppi relaxing in his easy chair!!
Apparently the kids decided to play a game to see who could carry the most floats. Hailey went first and carried them all the way back!!
Dylan, Eric, Shelby, Celyn, Kalyn, Ashley and Hailey
A few videos from Mingo Falls.
Celyn, Kalyn and Hailey floating down the "rapids" in Cherokee.
Tom using Kevin for target practice..lol
Brooke passing out on Poppi at Mingo Falls.
that pic of you two with her smiling at you is too cute!!! and the matching outfits-- great job! those two are cute together!
More great, great pics! I seriously am considering just posting your blog url on my blog and having everyone look at your NC pics. It'll probably save me a day's worth of blogging! LOL! Love all the pics and the videos. And I meant to tell you. I was going through the pics last week and love those ones of you and Brooke at the creek in Cherokee. Did Pops take those? He must have...they are great! So cute. And I laughed too when I saw that pic of "the chubby girl". Pops must have taken that pic too...lol :) And I ditto what your friend said....our baby girls are cute together. I can't wait to see them interact over the years. Maybe next time we meet up they'll both be walking?? Miss you girls!
For those of you who don't know what E8 means, I was informed by Jeff last night! Apparently I missed the spouses Air Force code class where I would have learned it is the code for Jeff's airplane!! All I know is the J-star or Joint Star and I've heard Gay Star also!!
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