This is the day we went to Big Creek at the Smokey Mountains National Park. This is a yearly event for the family.

This is Brooke passed out at Joey's Pancake House. We woke up around 6am and everyone else in the house slept until about 8:30am, so we made a trip for breakfast then to
Walmart and got back to the cabin before anyone was awake.
Dylan hanging out on a big ole' rock in the creek.
LOL...Guess this was Ashley's reaction to the freezing cold water!
Here is Ashley's first bitter cookie (thanks to Aunt Candy!). She made a huge mess all over herself and Nina who was holding her while she ate it.
Here is the gang hanging around the picnic table chowing down on grilled
This is Brooke in her carrier when we first got there.
I'm guessing Aunt Kelly took this picture since she is sticking her tongue out.
The beautiful view from the creek.
Nina, Kevin and Ashley hanging out.
Celyn and
Kalyn thinking about jumping into the water.
Great-Aunt Terry feeding Brooke her bitter biscuit while Ashley stares her down!
The girls still contemplating getting in. Eric on the right was the first brave soul to get in the
frigid water.
Kelly taking pictures of Kevin and Ashley.
This is such a cute picture!!
Brooke hanging out in her Pack-n-play with her arm around her blue pillow!
Mouth open!! Good thing I had a bug net over the pack-n-play.
Chillin in our chairs (I bought mine that morning at Walmart. My other chair collapsed on Brooke and I the day before at the creek.)
Poppi with his 2 granddaughters...Brooke was playing with Poppi's sunglasses.
All 3 of them kinda looking.
Let the torture begin!! She pulled Brooke's hairbow out of her hair and then...
Brooke and Nina on the bridge.
Hailey and Kalyn posing on the rocks!
Another view of the creek.
Celyn, Eric, Terry and R.J. on the bridge.
Brooke checking Poppi out.
Poppi likes to steal kisses from his grandbabies!
Kalyn standing on one of the rocks.
The Gritter Brother's...Rich, Harry and Tom
Not sure who took these pictures, I'm guessing Tom...they look pretty cool. This is R.J.
Ashley's was a little blurry.
Harry holding Brooke while she's asleep. Mommy and Aunt Terry left him with the sleeping baby while we went to the spider infested bathroom.
Nina sticking her tongue
Here is Brooke eating her first Bitter cookie.
More wonderful memories!!! Big Creek is such an awesome place!!!(accept for THAT bathroom!)Its a wonderful tradition!!Next year will be even better when Brooke can actually get in the water and DADDY will be there!(positive thinking) :) Nina
Yeah, Daddy can get in the water with her too!!!
More awesome pics of the awesome times! I love good ol' Big Creek. That was Hailey's fav. part of the's always a highlight (though next year she wants to do the big hike to the waterfall). I don't even think Kev went in the water this year he and Jeff will both take the "babies" in the water. I love those pics that Pops took through the paper towel. The one of Harry and Brooke is the best :) So sweet. Maybe next week I'll post some pics on my blog, though you seem to have covered everything! Love ya :)
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