My day started off on a bad note this morning. I got out of the shower and noticed one of my diamond earrings Jeff bought me when we were dating was GONE!! I was panicking!! I love my earrings and wear them everyday. I tore the couch and bed apart and was searching the floor. I called Nancy so distraught!! I shook a jacket I had on this morning and the back fell out. Luckily, I found the earring in the shower on the floor. OMG, how close it was to going down the drain!! After the pit in my stomach was gone, we got dressed and headed to my parents for the day. We had a great time!! We grilled out and went swimming!! We sure missed Jeff being there for Brooke's first 4th of July. We didn't go see any fireworks because we want to see the big shows with Daddy next year!

LOL...I put Brooke's bathing suit on and was thinking it looked a little low in the front, then I realized I had put it on backwards. Her little boobies were poking out!
My poor baby!
LOL....My Grandma...the story starts off yesterday when I was at my parent's house swimming with my sister. She said these glasses were broken and threw them on the deck. Well, the lense popped out and had only one left in them. Today, when Grandma put them on she noticed only one lense. She said "Oh well, that's my bad eye and it's senstive to light so these will work!". She wore them the entire time she was outside! She looked so funny...Love you Grandma!
We got home around 8:30 pm. I put Brooke in the bath to get all the pool water and sunscreen off of her and she was out!! Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!!
Looks like you guys had a great day! I wish we could have made it! So why wasn't your dad on the Senior Citizen Couch? Not enough room?
Love the pics...just wish we could have all spent the 4th together like usual in NC. Maybe next year? And maybe daddy Jeff will be around then too! Gotta love Nina and her 4th of July clothing purchases. She got the girls their mostly matching shirts too. And now I'm convinced...did you get the baby girls matching bathing suits at one of my fav. stores ($ store??). I bought Ash two other ones there and saw the green one and almost bought it too, but it looked very familiar!! Can't wait to see our babies in their matching garb in less than a week! Miss ya' and Happy 4th of July a day late!
If I could get off the "senior citizen couch" I'd come after you!
wow, that picture of me really needs to go...
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