Where does the time go??? Our little girl turned 4 months old on Tuesday. We started the day off at the Dr's office for a 4 month check-up and shots...uggggg!!! As a recap from her 2 month checkup, our little girl then was 23 inches long and 12 lbs. 10 oz. At her 4 month check-up, our Brooke was a whopping 16.27 lbs and 26 inches long. She's gained 4 lbs in 2 months and 3 tall inches!!! She's in the 95 percentile for her weight and height. What a whopper!!! On another note, the doctor thinks she heard a murmur while listening to her heart, so now she is being referred to a cardiologist to check it out. This is the first time and last time we will see this doctor (her contract ended that day). The pediatrician we saw off base several times always did a very thorough examination and never mentioned anything, so I'm just hoping the new Dr. who is probably close to or getting a senior citizen discount and had to read the forms 2 inches from her face with glasses on, is wrong!!! I got my stethoscope out when I got home and didn't hear anything abnormal, but we'll see. Anyways, we got the go to start Brooke on cereal and baby food. I've tried the cereal a couple times and it will definitely take some time for her to actually swallow some...lol. We were told to try foods for 4 days at a time and if no reaction to add another one. Jeff and I have decided to try the cereal for a couple weeks to get her used to eating before trying jar food. We ordered her a high chair this week so for now it's the bumbo chair.

Brooke on her 4 month b-day fresh out of the shower with daddy.
Brooke trying out her robe for the first time.
I think she liked it!!
Playing with her toys in her bumbo chair from Nina.
She's decided these days to eat her toys.

Quick video of her playing.
Her first taste of rice cereal.
What's going into my mouth??
Posing for a picture.
Mommy feeding her big girl!
Now that it's on my tongue what do I do with it????
Feeding Brooke (she decided to tilt her head while being fed)
Daddy and his little girl before mommy headed out for her cake decorating class.
She looks a lot like you in a lot of those pictures... That last picture cracks me up... She totally has a face saying Mommy, please don't go!!
She is certainly beginning to look like you Candy!! I love the pink robe!! How cute! And that Bumbo Chair is perfect!!She is getting so big and loosing that little baby look!! Looks like food will never be an issue for Brooke!! She LOVES IT!!! :):)Kisses to my little honey!! xoxo Nina
Ditto on what Aunt Angela and Nina said about Brooke looking like her mama. I have noticed that a lot lately too from pics and from skype the other day. Hard to believe how fast 4 mos have gone by, but that just means I get to meet her sooner!! Only 2 more mos...yay! And how fun to have her eating baby food already. I'm thinking Ash and Brooke will never have issues eating :) I think we're gonna start the jarred food soon....been holding off as we've tried all the cereals/oatmeals...plus Ash likes to get messy and I can just imagine her with carrots and peas all over herself and our kitchen :) Love you guys! Oh...and love the robe pics. I could never get our baby robes on our wet babies...how do you do that, esp. with Brooke being so roly poly!?? :)
Hugs, Aunt Kelly :)
they're right! she IS looking more like mommy! that last picture is the one i was talking about friday night. she looks so tall!!!
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