As most of you know, my cousin Tracy who lives in Texas, is due to have a baby in October. The second I found out she was expecting, I called my aunt and told her I wanted to throw her a baby shower when she comes to GA in August. I have been researching cakes, cupcakes, cookies, invitations, etc. but wasn't sure what color theme I would do since we were unsure if she was having a boy or a girl. Well, she found out this past Monday that she is having a baby girl!!!!! What fun she will have with her!!! The clothes are so much more fun to shop for since there are sooooo many for girls!!! (If you've seen Brooke's closet you'll know what I mean ;) I'm still researching ideas for her shower, but I'm so excited!!! I've been taking cake decorating classes and I should be finished with the entire course in July, so I should be able to make a great cake. That being said, with the help of my sister, we have found a cake that I've decided to make for Tracy. I hate to let her see it before the shower, but I was so impressed with the look of this cake, I couldn't wait. ENJOY!!!

Of course, it will have Tracy's name on it!! lol
It needs to be pink as well and don't forget to make her white too. Hope you like it Tracy... thats what you get for having Mccrarys as family members!
That's disgusting and sooo white trash!
gross! i would disown you!
I sure hope everyone knows this cake is a joke!!!
I guess I am a few days late on reading the blogs...but OMG, I am ROFLOL! I wouldn't put it past you to have that cake at my shower! You are too funny!
You girls are so funny!!
Oh, that is HILARIOUS, Candy! Much more exciting than any baby carriage cake :)
Candy, I'm sooo shocked by you! Totally unexpected and I'm sure Jeff pats himself on the back when he thinks of you as his wife!
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