My brother called me yesterday around 11:15 and asked if we wanted to meet them at Johnny G's play center around 1pm. I didn't have any other plans so I told them I would. Just to let you know, my sister and her husband went to Biloxi this weekend, so my 24 year old brother and 15 year old cousin watched her 3 kids. (Sweet Aunt Candy baby sat Friday from 11:45 until 7pm when the real babysitters arrived.) When we pulled up yesterday at the play center, we saw them unloading all these kids (Kinley from across the street came with them also) while pimping the minivan. What a funny sight it was!!! They looked like a young married couple who didn't know what birth control We had a great time watching the kids run from one end of the building to the other. Brooke was amazed by all the bright lights and sounds. She played as hard as she could for as little as she is and as we were packing up to leave, she fell asleep in my arms while sucking her fist. We all met up again at the Mellow Mushroom for some pizza and then headed home.

15? im 16! lol and shutup id never have that many kids and never with my cousin!!!!!!!! EWWWWW SICK!
I really wanted to put 12!!!
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