Brooke hanging out with her Nina.

Poppi making faces at Brooke.

We caught an early rehearsal of the Thunderbirds on base on Friday. Does anyone see a nerd in this picture?

We had a soccer game Friday night. Brooke smiling at her daddy after the game.

Aren't they sweet?

They are checking something out.....

Brooke doesn't look too happy about going to the airshow!

Jeff's airplane the J-star.

Jeff posing for a picture in front of his plane.
Shelby in the pilot's seat of the J-star.
Co-pilot Kalyn. Notice Shelby's foot on the "brake".
All of us chillin under the wing of a Cessna waiting for the thunderbirds. Brooke wore earplugs (and sunscreen!) for the entire airshow so she didn't seem bothered too much by the loud flyby's.

Kayln with Uncle Steven. I love this picture! Cool sunglasses Steven!

Can you guess what Jeff is carrying in the powder scented blue bag???
Me and the girls in the back of a C-5.

After the airshow we had a cookout at our house. The kids love the hammock.
Jeff's parents came up for the weekend from Ft. Lauderdale. We had a great time! Brooke got a little spoiled being held by Nina and Poppi. She loved it!!! We can't wait to see them in Orlando next weekend!!
Jeff's parents came up for the weekend from Ft. Lauderdale. We had a great time! Brooke got a little spoiled being held by Nina and Poppi. She loved it!!! We can't wait to see them in Orlando next weekend!!
We had a ball at your place!!! Such wonderful memories of the weekend!! :)Thanks again for everything!!! Love Ya and see ya soon!!! :):) Nina
Man...I wish we could have been there (though in our sick predicament I'm sure you're glad we weren't!). Makes me mad sometimes that we live so far away from you guys and we miss out on fun stuff like airshows (and seeing our niece/cousin). Looks like good times with Nina and Pops in town. I love the "nerd" pic :) Is that Nerd Sr.'s leg behind Nerd Jr? :) :) Great pics/great times. Miss you guys!!
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