On Monday night, Jeff brought up the idea of going to Atlanta to get out of town before he deploys. We hadn't decided 100% that night, but we got up early Tuesday morning and headed out. We decided to go to the aquarium because we knew Brooke would be mesmerized by all the colorful fish and blue lights in the tanks. She loved it!! She was soooo good and just stared at everything as if she couldn't get enough. Jeff carried her through most of the aquarium. It was so sweet watching him with her, especially since it will be another 2 1/2 months before he can do that again :( She passed out as soon as we walked out the doors of the aquarium. We then headed to Chipotle for lunch (It was YUMMY Shaan!) We had to head back after lunch because I had my final cake class for course 3 (a blog to come on that later). We had dinner at Olive Garden and headed home so Jeff could pack. I was cleaning the kitchen after destroying it decorating the cake in a hurry. Jeff was sitting on the couch holding Brooke with tears rolling down his eyes. I had to focus on the dishes or I would lose it. I did get teary eyed so I walked outside and distracted myself with Dutch. As I write this blog, we are 3 hours from leaving the house and returning with just the 2 of us. I am dreading the ride there....that's where it hits me the hardest! Well, Jeff is done packing..uggggg....got to go follow him around before he leaves!!

Here is our family before walking into the aquarium.

She wants to touch what she sees in the tanks!
Now she's trying to kick the jellyfish!
I love the reflection face on the jellyfish.
Brooke with Daddy checking out the fish wall.
That's our son in the corner...lol
Mesmirized by all the fish.
These pictures make it so hard to watch Jeff go.
This stingray was huge!!
Me trying to take a family picture in the tunnel.
A nice lady took a picture for us. I think Brooke saw a shark as the lady was taking the picture..lol
Wonder what they are looking at??
Brooke drinking Daddy's water at Olive Garden.
Brooke attemping to get Daddy's Andes chocolate mints.