This picture just makes me melt. She loves her Mommy!!!
We finally got her to look at the camera.
Daddy and Brooke in front of the fountain at the car show.
I sure hate he's going to be gone and miss these moments with her.
Hanging out in the ice cream shop at the car show. I had left her white hat and my parents, so I had to use the one that didn't match, but she pulls it off so well!!!
The many pictures trying to get her to look at the camera without her hand in her mouth)...Take 1
What's going on outside??

Mommy and Brooke chillin next to the fountain.

Brooke with her Papa at the car show.
YEP, I for one am worried about Jeff :):) as I think that TOP would look WAYYYYYYYYYYYY better on YOU!! haha Lookin pretty "gay" there my son, literally!!
The pics of Brooke are awesome!! Love all the ones with you and her as I dont see that very often!! She looks more and more like you Candy, as she gets older! She sure likes to suck on that fist! :)Love to see you Jeff, with your little sweetheart, looks SO good on you!!
Makes me SAD just thinking of Jeff being away from his family...you all will miss him alot and he, you guys, but thank GOD for Skype!! At least they can talk to each other that way!! Looks like you had a fun day at the car show! :) Nina
I can't believe Jeff posed for you in that shirt! I think you should print one of those out and hang it in Brooke's crib for her while Jeff is gone!
LOL on that girly shirt on my bro. But, he always liked wearing girl clothes as a child (maybe you can blame that on me...the sister who dressed him up a time or two :)).
And love the dress on Brooke. Can't believe she can already wearing it! How can it be that she's 5 mos already?! Time goes by too fast...but that's good in some ways cuz it means we get to meet her soon!!! (though it bumms me out big time that Jeff is gonna be leaving soon...so not fair). Love you guys and miss ya!!
Maybe the guys will let him hit from the red tees if he wears that to the course. Too funny!
those are all great pics of brooke. when does jeff leave again? poor guy, he's going to miss his baby!
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