I know I'm a couple days late posting these pictures, but I've been trying to keep busy (which really isn't that hard with a 5 month old!). Jeff called me last night around 10ish to let me know he made it over there. These are some pictures I took the day Jeff left. I did throw in a couple from this morning of Brooke.

Here is Jeff's bags lined up ready to go. I hate those bags!!!
His desert uniform hanging there waiting for him to get in it. We don't like that uniform much either!!
Brooke just hanging out unaware of what's going on.
Her shirt says "I love my daddy!"
Here's me hiding Jeff's "man shirt" from several posts ago in his suitcase.
Brooke with Daddy after having lunch at the BX right before we dropped him off.
The last picture of us all together. We weren't smiling seconds after this picture was taken :(
As I drive off, a J-star lands.
This is the plane Jeff flys and will be doing his missions on overseas.
The good ole' deer in the headlight look!
Brooke showing love for her daddy who she misses very much!!
Brooke waving to her daddy!!
Is that brooke's hat that jeff has on in the six picture? I swear it looks like one she should be wearing. LOL
She does have 2 hats like that but in pink and white, not desert brown!
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