On Monday night, Jeff brought up the idea of going to Atlanta to get out of town before he deploys. We hadn't decided 100% that night, but we got up early Tuesday morning and headed out. We decided to go to the aquarium because we knew Brooke would be mesmerized by all the colorful fish and blue lights in the tanks. She loved it!! She was soooo good and just stared at everything as if she couldn't get enough. Jeff carried her through most of the aquarium. It was so sweet watching him with her, especially since it will be another 2 1/2 months before he can do that again :( She passed out as soon as we walked out the doors of the aquarium. We then headed to Chipotle for lunch (It was YUMMY Shaan!) We had to head back after lunch because I had my final cake class for course 3 (a blog to come on that later). We had dinner at Olive Garden and headed home so Jeff could pack. I was cleaning the kitchen after destroying it decorating the cake in a hurry. Jeff was sitting on the couch holding Brooke with tears rolling down his eyes. I had to focus on the dishes or I would lose it. I did get teary eyed so I walked outside and distracted myself with Dutch. As I write this blog, we are 3 hours from leaving the house and returning with just the 2 of us. I am dreading the ride there....that's where it hits me the hardest! Well, Jeff is done packing..uggggg....got to go follow him around before he leaves!!

Here is our family before walking into the aquarium.

Mesmirized by all the fish.
These pictures make it so hard to watch Jeff go.
This stingray was huge!!
A nice lady took a picture for us. I think Brooke saw a shark as the lady was taking the picture..lol
Reading your blog has me teary eyed. I hate that Jeff is going to be gone for 2.5 months. I hope he has a safe trip and that you and Brooke hang in there! Love you all! Tracy
My eyes were getting watery and my bottom lip was quieving while reading that..I love the pictures.. Looks like everyone enjoyed it I'm glad yall decided to go.....
I LOVE all these pics!!!!! So cute of Brooke and her Mommy and Daddy!!! She has the most beautiful profile!!! The cutest little nose!!! I love how bright eyed she is and how interested she is in everything...
and now Daddy is gone and I bet your eyes are like slit holes from crying...been thinking of you all day and how hard this must be for you "girls" The days will go very slow but soon we will be in NC!!!! That will break up the lonely time!!! Love you GIRLS!!! And you too Jeffie as you leave for the desert to keep our country safe !!Nina/Mom
I'm so sorry ...
Jb is non-deployable for 12 more months. After that his deployments can be up to 6 months at a time ... I don't know how I'll do it.
Keep blogging! It'll help make the 75 days FLY BY!
beautiful pictures! i cannot imagine what you are going through, let alone jeff! poor guy! makes me teary eyes thinking about tears rolling down his cheeks ugh!
Oh Candy...I'm crying with you too. I thought of you guys all day yesterday wondering how you were making it through the good-byes. I hope Brooke knows she can't get bigger or accomplish anymore milestones while daddy is gone! :) :( Ugh. If you ever need to chat or cry or anything you can skype us or call. And if we weren't gonna see you in a couple weeks I'd say you could fly on up to visit us! You need to do something to keep the time passing quickly til daddy returns! We love you girls and we can't wait to have tons of fun in NC. Focus on that and how cute the little girls will be together having fun in the creek and the pool.
Loved, loved, loved the aquarium pics....what a beautiful place for a special mini getaway before the big deploy. I'm sure Brooke enjoyed every minute as did her mama and dada!
Hang in there, Candy...and hopefully you get to see Jeff overseas soon via computer :) And, love you, bro...we're so proud of you for serving your country and sacrificing that time away from your wonderful family :)
Hugs from Sis/Aunt Kelly :)
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