As most of you know, Brooke has been sleeping on me since we got home from the hospital. Bad, yes I know, but I couldn't bare to put her in her room being so little and she would not sleep in her pack-n-play. I have been trying to get her to sleep in her crib for several weeks but she would sleep only about 2 hours maximum! I laid her in her crib last night about 11:30pm and went to bed myself. I woke up about 3am and realized she hadn't made a sound so I rushed in to check on her. In the dark, half asleep with no contacts, I didn't see her chest/abdomen moving at first. I put my hand on her and her hand moved. Whewwwwww!!! I got back in bed thinking surely she would wake up soon. I woke up again at 4am because my back was killing me and checked on her again since she was still silent and she was still sound asleep. I laid down on the couch and finally after another hour a familiar sound came over the monitor. I picked her up, squinted at the clock with my blind eyes and made out 5:17am. I am proud that she finally slept that long in her crib!!! (Even though I feel naked without "mini me" laying on me.) We curled up together on the couch and went back to sleep together. Was it just a fluke or will she do it again? Stay tuned!!
I had a little talk with Brooke on Saturday and told her she needed to sleep in her own bed like a big girl. I am so impressed that she listened! :-)
I saw this on Babies R Us the other day. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2343185
Get it and let me know how it works! :-)
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