Out for Valentine's Dinner!!
My sister (aka-dinner dates/babysitter) with Brooke
Not exactly sure what was going on in this picture...but it's absolutely hilarious!!
Just hanging out with daddy!!
Our sweet baby's sleeping face!!
Brooke and Daddy passed out on and around me......
The two loves of my life passed out on the couch!
After daddy woke up, he let Brooke sleep on him
We had a nice Valentine's day!! Brooke and I picked Jeff up around 11am at the Groome Transportation. We came home and daddy opened his cards and gift from Brooke and I. Brooke actually signed her card for Jeff with my help of course. She had the pen in her hand while I put the card up to it. Then as I was sitting on the couch, Brooke decided to pass out on me. Jeff laid beside me and passed out too, so I was stuck in a very uncomfortable position on the couch which did not allow me to join in on nap time. I decided they looked too cute to bother, so I decided to take pictures instead. Later in the evening, we joined my sister and brother-in-law at Zen's Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. Yummy!!!! We tried to see a movie, but Brooke was not staying asleep and would let out a cry when she couldn't get comfortable, but who can in those movie theater seats, so we left the theater (with a refund) and went home. I was so tired, I probably would have slept through the movie anyways.
LOL!!!! I love the faces Brooke was making for Daddy!! Sticking her tongue out and everything!!! Too funny!! And how adorable are the sleeping "3"...well, i guess it was only 2 that were sleeping!!And the precious pics of her sleeping on her fav "chests" :):) Ohhhh, I can't wait to get my hands on her!! only 2 more weeks!! YEA!!! These pics just made my day!!! THANKS!!!!! xoxo Nina
Yes, LOL! Those faces are hilarious...I think that's a Gritz trait too cuz Ash has some ferocious faces as well. I can't wait to see the two baby cousins together this summer...I bet they'll make a dynamic duo! And I can't believe what a chub lil' B is turning into...look at those big cheeks and double chin. She must eat well! Glad daddy Jeff made it home for "heart day". We've never tried the movie and a baby routine...but we might now that we heard you got your money back! Miss you guys and can't wait for July!!! Hugs to my sweet-cheeked niece!
Love, Auntie Kelly :)
P.S. Your baby announcement was beautiful...and we're so glad to have a pic of our "lil' cuz" to hang on the fridge!
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