Sunday, October 4, 2009

Farm Festival Day and a BIG Discovery at the end of the day!!

I found an article in the paper about a farm nearby that was having a free "Fall Farm Festival." I had talked to my sister and Jeff about it and we had planned to go Saturday. Well, I woke up Saturday morning to discover that Jeff had canceled the plans with Brooke and I to go golfing. He had me in tears!! I'm still very upset and have not forgiven him!!!! He said he would make that up to us, but I have yet to see that!!!! Can you tell I'm mad?!?!?! Anyways, my sister, Shelby, Gavin and my mom met up with us and we headed out to the farm. That had several activities for the kids. Below are some of the activities we got into. They also had 2 mules with a plow behind them that they were letting kids try but we opted out of that one.

Gavin and Shelby in the "pumpkin patch."

Shelby showing some attitude as she poses.

Brooke and I in her first pumpkin patch.

Brooke and Grandma.

Shelby and Gavin painting their pumpkins.

Brooke trying to get a hold of some paint. She almost got some!!!

Gavin painting his pumpkin.

Brooke reaching for a paint brush.

Gavin dipping his brush into some paint.

I had to post this 4 second the kids are supposed to be painting the pumpkins!!!

Brooke holding her first pumpkin.

Shelby was having so much fun painting flowers on her pumpkins.

My mom!!

Me and my favorite girl!

Gavin with Mommy on the John Deer tractor.

My mom looks like she's standing by herself on this old fire truck, but Gavin is in the seat!

There he is but now Shelby is hidden.

My sister with 2 of her kids, Gavin and Shelby. Kalyn had spent the night with her friend.

This video was taken while we were eating our barbeque sandwiches. She was so tired!!

Grandma holding Gavin while Shelby and Angie went on a hay ride.

Angela and Shelby as they rode away.

Gavin did not want to get out of the back of the truck!!

Grandma finally caught him and then we bribed him with boiled peanuts.

After the festival, we stopped over at Lane's Packing Company for some ice cream and to try out the corn maze that just opened.

Here is Shelby sitting on a huge pumpkin.

Brooke trying to tear up the scarecrow!

Brooke swinging for the first time! We waited until Jeff got back from the desert to take her but he had something more important to do this day!!

She loved it!!

My precious girl!!

Brooke and I swinging together for the 1st time.

I had such a great time doing this with my daughter!!!

Shelby and Grandma before we entered the corn maze.

Which way should we go?

Shelby's pumpkin cookie

Mom finally got her peach ice cream. They were out the first time we came in for ice cream.

***I dropped my Mom and Shelby off at her car and headed to Publix to pick up a few things. As we were walking through the store I noticed Brooke had 2 surprises for me. The first surprise did not smell so good!! Lovely!!! The next and more exciting surprise was that my baby girl has her first tooth!!!!! I was tearing up in Publix over a tooth!!!! It just came through her gums but boy is that thing sharp!!! Word on the street is that Brooke beat her almost 13 month old cousin Ashley in the tooth department!!!! It's a pretty long tooth. I haven't decided if there is one or 2. Hopefully in another few days I'll know for sure.


Johnson Family said...

Looks like all you ladies had a good time at the fall festival! Fun, fun, fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh how CUTE!!!! What fun!!!!!Looks like she had a great time and was completely worn out!!!I love Fall, wish we HAD IT down here!! :)Nina PS, see ya in afew days!!! Cant wait for the cooler weather! :)

crazystegmamaof4 said...

Well, Cousin Ash is trying not to boil over with jealousy that her much younger cousin has chompers before her....and I will definitely say this mama is mighty happy our 1 year old has held off on those sharp things cuz I have a couple parts on me that would probably be chewed to death if Ash did have teeth! LOL! :)

But hats off to Brooke for growing some teeth at such a wee age. We're proud of her. Maybe she can share her teeth growing wisdom with Ash if we still don't have them by Christmas! Just tell Brooke she'd better not walk before her older cousin...or that will really put her to shame! Love you guys and bah-humbug on daddy who went golfing instead of spending the day with his girls! The nerve!

Sorry we missed all your calls this weekend. I forced Kev to tell me the "big tooth news" after he held out and tortured me a bit. haha Love ya!

crazystegmamaof4 said...

p.s. Love all the clips in the hair in this post and the last one! :) :)