Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bouncing around...

My sister came to visit Brooke and I at home and then we headed over to Jumping Jacks to meet Katie and her daughter Lilly to wear the kids out on the bouncers. Brooke enjoyed the little bouncing she could do being immobile. She did pass out before Lilly and Gavin. Angela and Katie took the kids through the "big kids" bouncer that has a big slide and is more like an obstacle course. After they got out Lilly and Gavin wanted to go again. I decided to be brave and take them both while Angie and Katie stayed behind with Brooke. I had no idea in order to get up to the top of the slide you had to climb these little steps (kinda like a rock wall) in socks. The little kids couldn't climb themselves. After one attempt with Lilly, I had to climb back down to remove my socks because it was too slippery!! I had to put each kid on my hip, climb those little steps and hold on to the rope!! Needless to say, I was completely exhausted when I finally made it out of there. I think they should charge memberships for adults to run through there several times a week. That was a workout!!!!

Brooke sitting in the jumper.

Gavin, Lilly and Brooke

Brooke wanted so bad to run around with the "big" kids.

Poor baby couldn't sit up very well in there but she seemed to like falling over.

She gave up and laid down.

Lilly bouncing around.

Gavin jumping around in the bouncer.

Horsing around with Mama.

Gavin trying to show me the spirit fingers Mrs. Katie taught him.

Brooke bouncing with Aunt Angela.

Here is a video Gavin might regret in his later years. "Spirit Fingers"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun afternoon and sounds like YOU got a real workout!!Love the pics of Brooke! I got that top for Ashley in a bright pink!! SHE picked it out when we were shopping in Walmart!:)Gavin is so cute!!! Brooke looks like she loved that place!:)Kisses from Nina for my fav Ga. sweetie pie!