Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday with Mommy

Showing off my new $9 Robeez

She's addicted to shoes like her Mommy.

Brooke and I like to sit in the "touchy feel" book isle at Book's-A-Million and read/touch. She loves it!!

Brooke playing/reading her books.

Jeff's squadron had a wife's get together at a Pottery Place in town. We had to bring a dessert. I saw these cupcake's on a stick and wanted to make them. After a huge mess in my kitchen, they were done.

The birthday plate I made for Brooke. We'll see how it comes out after it's fired.

Brooke on Tuesday morning reading in her robe.


Anonymous said...

I just LOVE these pictures!!! Lets see, I think my fav is the one where she is grinning as she sits reading in her robe!!! And then the one where she is looking at the book with Baaaa on the page and she looks so excited!!!Its so cool that she loves books so much!!!

Your cupcakes on a stick look so yummy!! You are so clever!!!And of course I LOVE the bargains you find!! Those shoes are so cute! Looks like Brooke is learning to be a bargain shopper, just like her Mom!! :)Way to go Brooke!!!

crazystegmamaof4 said...

That b-day plate is super cute! Love that idea. I had a thought to do that years ago for the kids, but never did. Has Nina begged you for a "Brooke plate" for over her kitchen window? I'm sure she will now that she knows you have a pottery place in town :) And I love those "bargain Robeez"! :)