Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hanging around the house

Brooke loves to eat phone cord. I only let her play with it when I'm in the kitchen though!!!

Love this picture!!! Kinda looks like her teeth!!! lol

We moved to the dining room table to wrap Christmas presents. She loves to help Mommy!!

My brown-eyed girl!

She doesn't like to wear her socks...apparently they are better to eat!

Visiting Daddy in the garage. Boy I look like crap!!!

Brooke hanging out on our old bedroom furniture in the garage. It's been sold!!


crazystegmamaof4 said...

I have to say I honestly can't believe my niece is 10 mos old now. I saw that number on your birthday ticker here to the right before you posted yesterday and I had to do a double take. For some reason I still think of our lil' girls as lil' babies...and I guess they aren't that anymore. They are thinning out (in some places :)), growing teeth, chatting up a storm and starting to really move. As much as I miss the baby days I have to say the toddler days are awesome. You'll love it when Brooke is raising a ruckus all over your house once she finds her legs were made for walking. It's a fun time. Can't wait to see all the 1st b-day plans unfold. Jan. 12 will be here before you know it! Miss you guys and wish we were gonna see you for more than a day before Christmas :( Hope you're surviving w/o daddy Jeff around. Love ya!

Johnson Family said...

You still have a telephone with a cord? It does look like she has teeth in that one picture. I can't believe she is 10 months old...we'll be there before you know it!