Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jeff's arrival this morning

Jeff told me his plane would arrive "a few minutes after midnight" so I arrived at the base around 11:30pm. There was no one in site!! The only moving creature I saw in an hour and a half was a raccoon that ran out in front of me. The poor possum hadn't made it. I drove around to the J-Star parking area but there is absolutely no way I could see the flight line from there, so I moved to a fuel station just along the flight line. I got excited when the blue taxi lights came on!!! This must be it!!! They stayed on about 30 minutes and went back off :( About 10 minutes later they came back on. Another 2o minutes or so after that, this is what I saw...

This was approximately 1:10am.

After Jeff landed I realized that since they flew straight from Greece into the base, they would have to clear customs before they could be released. Needless to say, we got home after 2am and in the bed a little after 3am. Our sweet little alarm clock sounded around 7:10am. Jeff is passed out on the couch as I finish this blog. He's been asleep for a few hours. Poor guy!!! His girls sure did miss him!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you all are back together where you belong!!!!! I just realized I get to see him in another week!Yippee!!! Wont be long and you all will be down here visiting and I can get my BROOKE fix!! Cant wait!!! Love Ya all, Nina